Hardware Ban

I quit playing back around Xmas time. Still like to come to the forums to be a pain in Dots side. When is enough a enough Z8 games? You have the power to kill most of the hacks in this game, but choose not to use it. Turn on the Hardware Ban tool and use it the way it should be used. Your game is trash. You can clean it up in a few weeks. If you just use the tool to ban computers from ever playing the game. Banning computers from making new accounts does nothing. There are so many ways around that.
A true Hardware Ban will ban most of the components in a computer, [nic card, video card, sound card, CPU, Chipset, ect.] Now most hacks will not go out and buy a new computer just to play this game. Yeah before some numb-nut comes in here and says, [ But there are ways around a hardware ban] True but most will not spend hours changing all there MAC address of all the components in there computer, and some you just cant change.
So Z8 step up and explain why this can not be done? Yeah like that will happen. They will not do it, because they think if a guy gets ban, then maybe he will change his ways, yeah right.
They will trash this game into the ground, So many are leaving the game now. But do they care? No. So many accounts are made everyday [By the hacks that get ban] that they just dont care. End of Story.


  • Sure more people are leaving everyday this entire month I have had friends leaving for other games due to extreme number of hackers.

    It's not really the hackers that make people quit either, nobody would care that there are 3 on each team and they get killed a few times by a hacker, if the hackers actually got kicked....

    However we have a majority of morons in most rooms that F12 the hackers and F11 legits which means you have to sit there being botted by a Ahmed round after round after round whilst the other morons in the room are f12'ing kick after kick after kick and starting up entirely bogus and bs kicks instead of kicking the hacker and infact they delay that process even further.

    That is what is frustrating...

    But it's not all bad maybe when everyone has left and Egyptians have properly taken over Z8 can change there logo and game launcher icon to a pyramid.
  • Would love a hardware ban. This probably will be somewhat effective but it has also has some drawbacks. No one wouldn't spend another 600-1000 US dollar on a computer to mainly play CrossFire.
  • DSTAllen wrote: »
    Would love a hardware ban. This probably will be somewhat effective but it has also has some drawbacks. No one wouldn't spend another 600-1000 US dollar on a computer to mainly play CrossFire.

    Is that a drawback? o.0
  • dont bother... Z8 is not gonna do anything about it other than figuratively having xtrap there (aka free access for hcker)
  • Is that a drawback? o.0

    It is a problem.... If someone was falsely accused of cheating and was banned, that person probably would purchase another computer. (If he cannot find a way to bypass the hardware ban , etc.)

    But.... this person might probably just give up in this game and play something else with his current computer. Never hurts try other games.
  • tomgay wrote: »
    dont bother... Z8 is not gonna do anything about it other than figuratively having xtrap there (aka free access for hcker)

    This ^^

    I can't see them doing anything either as it's been like this since the game came out.

    We get the lip service "we hate hackers too", "hardware bans in place" and yet if you merely know anyone that hacks or have known of people hacking they just get banned 'maybe' by xtrap numerous times and/or re-register.

    You'll never see a thread where a hacker is saying he can't get on at all and it wasn't him that hacked it was his cousin/brother/dog/cat/hamster and can he be unbanned because it wasn't him.

    Nor will you hear anyone in game saying "x" was banned he cannot get on at all.
    DSTAllen wrote: »
    It is a problem.... If someone was falsely accused of cheating and was banned, that person probably would purchase another computer. (If he cannot find a way to bypass the hardware ban , etc.)

    But.... this person might probably just give up in this game and play something else with his current computer. Never hurts try other games.

    Highly unlikely for a few reasons:

    They wouldn't ban on suspicion.
    Xtrap gives numerous chances - way too many.
    And I have yet to see in 5 years anyone being banned from a report.

    And I only report the most obvious hackers:

    Knifing across an entire map.
    Shooting through walls.
    100% invisible ghosts whilst running.

    The only time I got someone banned was for calling me racist names.
  • I have friends who have been wrongly banned sadly. They told me they've been reported too much by the unskilled players.

    One way people can be banned.

    You can't be too sure that you got someone banned. If you report a person because they said a racial slur, usually Z8 Support staff just tell you that they received the report and they explicitly said they won't tell you the results.
  • DSTAllen wrote: »
    I have friends who have been wrongly banned sadly. They told me they've been reported too much by the unskilled players.

    One way people can be banned.

    You can't be too sure that you got someone banned. If you report a person because they said a racial slur, usually Z8 Support staff just tell you that they received the report and they explicitly said they won't tell you the results.

    In all honestly they probably hacked^ Nobody likes to admit that they did hack and were caught.

    As for telling if people are banned or not that is very easy, only report people with their ribbons intact.

    Even then you can't tell if it was your report got them banned or if xtrap picked them up, but you can tell that nothing was done at all if they still have their ribbon.

    And yes with the racial insult I can tell because the guy was an active GM'er and a fair player who had been registered here for a number of years and always had his ribbon, even when I reported he had it.

    Z8 did reply "Z8 Support staff just tell you that they received the report and they explicitly said they won't tell you the results." and right after I got that reply I checked his profile and he had lost his ribbon.

    Then ofc he told me in game that I am a snitch and that I got him banned when I saw him. In fact the racism wasn't why I even reported him it was because he was constantly kick voting me and saying I hack. I just used his racism against him since they won't ban for kick vote abuse.
  • Highly unlikely anyone gets ban that does not use hacks. Z8 games makes very sure that a hack or other software is being used, before a ban. They have said this many times. This is not the point of this post any way.
    The point is to get Z8 games to use a tool that they already use. [ Hardware Ban] But to use it the way it was intended to be used by a gaming company.
    They have the tool that will ban most if not all the hacks in this game right now, but choose not to use it.........
  • http://forum.z8games.com/showthread.php?t=245368&highlight=hardware

    Hardware ID's can be duped though. Theres no foolproof way to stop hackers.

    Not entirely true, not all hardware ID's [MAC Address] cant be changed. It would depend on what they ban in the computer. And like I said, 90% that would get ban are not smart enough to pull it off anyway. And they will not buy new computers to play a game.. So yeah a Hardware Ban would do the trick....
  • This post has nothing to do with kick system, Vote kick, are what ever. This is about a great tool that Z8 games has. But choose not to use. Go make your own post about kick system. cant people just stay on topic?
  • badboy051 wrote: »
    Not entirely true, not all hardware ID's [MAC Address] cant be changed. It would depend on what they ban in the computer. And like I said, 90% that would get ban are not smart enough to pull it off anyway. And they will not buy new computers to play a game.. So yeah a Hardware Ban would do the trick....

    Like I said... No foolproof way to get rid of all hackers...
  • Like I said... No foolproof way to get rid of all hackers...

    Foreigners aren't smart enough to bypass a MAC ban. They range from 10-18 years if age, so I doubt they have any further knowledge of anything with technology. Brazilians play at LAN cafes, so they get banned and just hop on another computer and start cheating again.
  • Foreigners aren't smart enough to bypass a MAC ban. They range from 10-18 years if age, so I doubt they have any further knowledge of anything with technology. Brazilians play at LAN cafes, so they get banned and just hop on another computer and start cheating again.

    Do you think they automatically know how to use a hack in the first place?

    There will be a tutorial for that. A quick google has proven this.
  • Like I said... No foolproof way to get rid of all hackers...

    You will never get them all for sure, But dont you think a Hardware Ban would take down alot of them? Sure it would. Anything is better then just sitting on your hands. When you have a tool to fight back. Instead just let the hacks run all over your game. If I was running the show I would toss everything I had at them. Better to go down fighting then never fight at all.
  • badboy051 wrote: »
    You will never get them all for sure, But dont you think a Hardware Ban would take down alot of them? Sure it would. Anything is better then just sitting on your hands. When you have a tool to fight back. Instead just let the hacks run all over your game. If I was running the show I would toss everything I had at them. Better to go down fighting then never fight at all.


    And again

  • And again: Read that big header he made there:

    Changes to how user accounts are created on Z8Games....

    That there is the problem, Ok so a hack gets ban. His computer is hardware ban from making a new account. Nice. So he just moves to another computer, makes his 10 new accounts. Back to the old trusted hack computer and plays on.

    When his computer should be hardware ban from playing at all. I guess no one gets what Im saying? They are only stopping that computer from making new accounts, not from playing.
  • badboy051 wrote: »
    And again: Read that big header he made there:

    Changes to how user accounts are created on Z8Games....

    That there is the problem, Ok so a hack gets ban. His computer is hardware ban from making a new account. Nice. So he just moves to another computer, makes his 10 new accounts. Back to the old trusted hack computer and plays on.

    When his computer should be hardware ban from playing at all. I guess no one gets what Im saying? They are only stopping that computer from making new accounts, not from playing.

    "However in the future we will be inviting all CrossFire users to register their accounts. "
  • "However in the future we will be inviting all CrossFire users to register their accounts. "

    lol yea thats going to happen, that was said 04-04-2013..... Hardware Ban hacks computers from playing...... Or let the hacks trash it everyday ...... Z8 your move..... End Of Story
  • Not one MOD care to explain why Z8 can not ban computers from playing? How about you [GM] Saidin care to explain why they can not do this? Like that will happen. When ever a real solution is asked about .......Silence.
  • Atheistic wrote: »
    Highly unlikely for a few reasons:

    They wouldn't ban on suspicion.
    Xtrap gives numerous chances - way too many.
    And I have yet to see in 5 years anyone being banned from a report.

    And I only report the most obvious hackers:

    Knifing across an entire map.
    Shooting through walls.
    100% invisible ghosts whilst running.

    The only time I got someone banned was for calling me racist names.

    My clan leader funny enough was banned for one day.. (Michaelxv205) under suspicion of cheats even though he doesn't... They spent a day investigating on his account but didn't find anything. He was innocent. A prime example of failure the system have.
  • Anything money related that hurts z8 = BAN(in couple of days)
    Reporting hackers through support = +2 years (yet to be banned)
  • xHAMSTERRR wrote: »
    My clan leader funny enough was banned for one day.. (Michaelxv205) under suspicion of cheats even though he doesn't... They spent a day investigating on his account but didn't find anything. He was innocent. A prime example of failure the system have.

    Umm I hope he sent a ticket to get his ribbon back...?
  • xHAMSTERRR wrote: »
    My clan leader funny enough was banned for one day.. (Michaelxv205) under suspicion of cheats even though he doesn't... They spent a day investigating on his account but didn't find anything. He was innocent. A prime example of failure the system have.

    Did he ever show screen shots to prove this? It is a very bold claim to say the least and one that I find absolutely comical.
  • Cypherrrr wrote: »
    Did he ever show screen shots to prove this? It is a very bold claim to say the least and one that I find absolutely comical.
    JBird101 wrote: »
    Umm I hope he sent a ticket to get his ribbon back...?

    Go ask my leader and LT (Bladeofnija) and other members. They have the evidence. One MOD (yes a MOD!) thinks he cheats even though he doesn't. (Won't say who in order to maintain confidentiality.)