This is some suggestion for Crossfire, Please read!

Crossfire is a hot FPS game possess #1 players in the world. Crossfire also have many different regions with different languages and weapon etc. By far now, CFNA is failing its job compare to Korean CF and Chinese CF. Why?

Here are some reasons you may have considering about:

1. Hackers
God this is a very very important issue that CFNA must consider. Every single day there are numbers of players quit CFNA and their response is "Too much hackers". I don't know why there are so many hackers in the game. I don't know what the heck X-trap is doing. I don't know why hackers got reported and some of them not deal with properly. Days after days there are more hackers and more hackers added to the game. One account got banned and they open a new account. There are people told me that nearly 40% of CF players are hacking. This is an urgent situation and it must be deal with, otherwise CF is going to be a hackers' game and it is unfair for the ones who paid money into it.

2. CF client errors and bugs
Maybe it is my prejudice, everytime when i play CF, there will always be some "CF client errors" waiting for me. And there are people cheating by glitching. Recently, there are a lot of CF client errors appear suddenly. Before I met one every 20 minutes. Nowadays I meet one every 5 minutes. CF should repair these damages before it ruins the game.

3. New players more important than old players
CF is working very hard on finding new comers to the game uh? But CF DEFINITELY forget about the old gamers. New gamers receive free weapons and good stuff and more, while old players just use what they have and getting bored of the game. CF's rank is full, lets open a new account and play, or just quit the game. JS if CF continue to do this, CF is going to follow the path of such game called "Minecraft" and be eliminated in the history of games.

4. Considering players suggestion on better gaming experience
Is G4Box and Z8games smarter (knowing the game better) or the players does? Player got some magnificent ideas on improving Crossfire, they should be considered! I heard some suggestion on weapon trading system, auction house, new maps, modes, storylines, weapons, FP crates and etc. These players have done some very bloody well job. Consider its probability to make Crossfire better and better.

Here are some possible solutions:

1. Hackers
By updating X-trap and make it more strict to the gaming environment. Stop the game immediately if a "hack" has been detected (I always got detected, but I don't hack...). Auto-send the report and short video footage towards Z8games. Issue a ban immediately to that account. Please do not think that high ranks and VIP weapon players don't hack, they do as matter in fact. By adding hacking into the "Terms and Service" and get charged if it is being violated. Spamming accounts: Limit one account every single computer or IP address.

2. CF client errors and bugs
I am not a computer expert, I don't know what software you use to write this game. Fix them is the only choice.

3. New players more important than old players
By having some events on old players with magnificent prizes. LVL up packages that contain random rare weapons maybe... Your problem, not mine...

4. Considering suggestions on better gaming experience
I have nothing to say.

In addition, please read forums, I don't know if Z8games read forums or not (the feeling I gain is that Z8games doesn't read players' forum, that sucks)


  • If they want they can stop the hacking situation in 1 week. There is alot of suggestions about it oh but they find a better solution; ABANDONING THE GAME.

    Client errors are fancy I'm getting errors while walking especially in ZM or sometimes pressing "CTRL"

    Oh and 3, of course we need more players! Especially from M.E cause their skills are perfect with their amazing pings, they making CF more good place. You already got the point, when somebody creates new account, they giving them bunch of free stuff including qbz95 camo perm, 30 day remington, free crystal items. And what they done at CFES? You're getting 300 fp daily from fever bar, like in NA. But they increased the FP Mall Prices and they added 2 character around 10.000-13.000 FP. So if someone wants to get 30 day of character he have to play 40 days to get 30 day item from FP mall, but in there our talented ME players can get 30 days of Gatling crystal in 2 day to speeding/aimbotting legitimate players. Allthought like you said they don't care about old players cause even they left game there will be always some customers that who will pay for them especially their uncatchable farmers. Here's what support team says;(Currently, the use of farming programs is considered cheating, and we do take actions against accounts that can be proven to have been farming. Unfortunately, proving that accounts have engaged in this activity proves to be very difficult.) Yeah Delta 9 is scrim server.

    4. Suggestions, Why they should add things like that? If they do they will lose profit and old players will be happy, why they should want it? More of the legit/old players giving away suggestions like me especially for Item Trade Option; (1st suggestion)

    But they showed this for reason for why Item Trade Option can't be here; "We apologize for the inconvenience this has caused. We do realize the validity of your other points, but as for weapon transfers, this will not be allowed. Allowing transfers of weapons would open the issue of being able to sell weapons to other players. We cannot allow this." (If you read the rules that I mentioned at 1st suggestion a thing like that will never happen but meh, it's just their excuse to deny it.)

    Allthought it became imperialist system it's like take how much you can. You must saw it, even if they don't do anything about game there will be always ZP buyers.

    Anyway, was good to read your thread.
  • ' wrote:
    JuLLs[;3907785']" Allowing transfers of weapons would open the issue of being able to sell weapons to other players. We cannot allow this.".

    how can weapon transfer allow weapons to be sold, if the weapon is traded for another weapon of same significance? ZP gun for a ZP gun, GP gun for a GP gun, just repeated black market guns in each account?

    i think this is an automated answer from support or they did not understand fully ur suggestion or u poorly explained ur suggestion
  • dzoser wrote: »
    how can weapon transfer allow weapons to be sold, if the weapon is traded for another weapon of same significance? ZP gun for a ZP gun, GP gun for a GP gun, just repeated black market guns in each account?

    i think this is an automated answer from support or they did not understand fully ur suggestion or u poorly explained ur suggestion

    No, I was talked about with them they understand it like you said ZP gun for a ZP gun, GP gun for a GP gun etc.
  • i understand they look into numerous tickets daily except for weekends, but i still think they did not get the point, you should explain your point furthermore, because it does not open the issue of being able to sell weapons to other players, its a trade system on its own, no money needed for it!
  • Trading will actually ruin cf.
    No one will buy crates from gp/zp and people will search for those who have weapons they want and beg them constantly: pls trade.
    Hackers part is hard to follow, if they patch 1 kind of hacks. Coders are trying to make new one.
    In every game there are cheaters, people just have to fight against it. Just people are lazy to report anymore. If someone stops then,Z8Games doesnt see any problems with it.
    Abandoning game is even worse, it means that you gaved your hands and victory to them.
    Some of things can be fixed, they need time and developers have to fix/ edit every version of CF. If something is wrong with it.
  • BlindNate wrote: »
    Trading will actually ruin cf.

    :D think about this again.... other stuff ruined this version already :p
  • BlindNate wrote: »
    Trading will actually ruin cf.
    No one will buy crates from gp/zp and people will search for those who have weapons they want and beg them constantly: pls trade.

    trading is only available for a gun back, from the same kind, if its ZP gun it requires the 'Asker' to give one ZP gun in return only works for duplicates i.e repeated guns in storage .... same goes for GP guns from black market, item shop guns are not allowed to be traded, so no one can ask for a gun unless he have one in return, its actually a fix for stupid black market system, what is the use of a duplicated black market in the storage? 10K GP after u spend 2 weeks to break it? is a black market gun really worth 10K GP? NO ,, many cases its worth lots more than a VIP weapon,, even in some cases worth a fortune, SO AT LEAST ITS WORTH AN EQUIVALENT DUPLICATED IN SOMEONE'S STORAGE ZP GUN its the least Z8 can do!
    BlindNate wrote: »
    Just people are lazy to report anymore. If someone stops then,Z8Games doesnt see any problems with it.
    Abandoning game is even worse, it means that you gaved your hands and victory to them.

    abandoning the game is the most reasonable thing for many to do as every other way to fix the hacking problem is a joke!
  • ' wrote:
    Rush[;3908853']:D think about this again.... other stuff ruined this version already :p
    I wont. Even i would love to have that. People will demand like they have to give some amount of zps if he wants to trade weapon for a weapon. Which it would be lame and idiotic.
    dzoser wrote: »
    trading is only available for a gun back, from the same kind, if its ZP gun it requires the 'Asker' to give one ZP gun in return only works for duplicates i.e repeated guns in storage .... same goes for GP guns from black market, item shop guns are not allowed to be traded, so no one can ask for a gun unless he have one in return, its actually a fix for stupid black market system, what is the use of a duplicated black market in the storage? 10K GP after u spend 2 weeks to break it? is a black market gun really worth 10K GP? NO ,, many cases its worth lots more than a VIP weapon,, even in some cases worth a fortune, SO AT LEAST ITS WORTH AN EQUIVALENT DUPLICATED IN SOMEONE'S STORAGE ZP GUN its the least Z8 can do!

    abandoning the game is the most reasonable thing for many to do as every other way to fix the hacking problem is a joke!
    I'll say it again, game will be ruin if trading weapons system come.
    Let say that you and me trade for some specific weapons. If i want to trade with you. I'll ask 50k of zps so i'll trade with you.
    People would abuse it for their intrest regarding if they have duplicate weapons or not.
    Some people wouldn't ask for it and some would be greedy.
    I have nothing against it just people will literally quit CF.
    As part of hacking situation i think that xtrap should do more then 100% of their best.
    But like i said there will be always hacks no matter of what.
    Abandoning game will prove that people gaved up from game just cuz of vermins. Instead of reporting people complain and say eff this game i'll leave it. That is already win for hackers not for players who builded their skills.
    Game is at dark era of hacking situation, but we should stand united and report those who give bad reputation of this game.
  • -.- you are missing the point!

    for example:

    i will trade my repeated deagle crimson for a repeated deagle xmas of urs

    no need to add ZP or any other factors to the equation, it will always be equivalent that way, gun for a gun!
  • BlindNate wrote: »
    I wont. Even i would love to have that. People will demand like they have to give some amount of zps if he wants to trade weapon for a weapon. Which it would be lame and idiotic.

    I'll say it again, game will be ruin if trading weapons system come.
    Let say that you and me trade for some specific weapons. If i want to trade with you. I'll ask 50k of zps so i'll trade with you.
    People would abuse it for their intrest regarding if they have duplicate weapons or not.
    Some people wouldn't ask for it and some would be greedy.
    I have nothing against it just people will literally quit CF.
    Abandoning game will prove that people gaved up from game just cuz of vermins. Instead of reporting people complain and say eff this game i'll leave it. That is already win for hackers not for players who builded their skills.
    Game is at dark era of hacking situation, but we should stand united and report those who give bad reputation of this game.

    Look, let's make it clear. I know what you're saying and yes I saw this things alot from other games. (greedy players) That's why we need rules. Sample; You bought Ak-fury but you never using it cause you're playing GM/HM only. So if trade system comes you can change it with RPK-VIP and ofc with rules. If you want to change your ak fury instead of rpk, the person have to give you something worth for 40k with the rpk (If Z8 make option to determinate which guns will be worth for it like 1x re-skin gun or 1x perm coupon gun) no one have to worry about it.

    And you said "abondoning game will prove that people just cuz of vermins" This option will be reason to bring them back and I know alot of person who will back to CF only for this.

    All we need is some rules to make it easy and clear.
  • Yes, both of you guys made some good points

    What will happen if the trading system comes to Crossfire? It is going to help it, or ruin it? We don't know yet and we won't know anything specific about it until it actually comes to Crossfire. The statements you guys made (and I'm positive that the developer made it also) is just based on your personal opinion, in a better sounding word it would be just a hypothesis. Just like a science experiment, hypothesis is proved to the true or false. Both of you guys made some really good points and I really enjoy reading them. But as I stated above, it is just hypothesis. Don't keep on repeating as it won't do anything good. GMs had made it clear... that trading system will NOT be considered. So just bring the focus of the discussion into other things such as co-op missions, FP crates and characters and etc...
  • dzoser wrote: »
    -.- you are missing the point!

    for example:

    i will trade my repeated deagle crimson for a repeated deagle xmas of urs

    no need to add ZP or any other factors to the equation, it will always be equivalent that way, gun for a gun!
    Sorry but you're missing the point.
    Lets say we both want to trade for weapons.
    I would say: Sure np, first give me 50k of zps in advance or no trade of weapons.
    I have been pointing you at this message.
    People would demand also zps for a trade.
  • ' wrote:
    JuLLs[;3909094']Look, let's make it clear. I know what you're saying and yes I saw this things alot from other games. (greedy players) That's why we need rules. Sample; You bought Ak-fury but you never using it cause you're playing GM/HM only. So if trade system comes you can change it with RPK-VIP and ofc with rules. If you want to change your ak fury instead of rpk, the person have to give you something worth for 40k with the rpk (If Z8 make option to determinate which guns will be worth for it like 1x re-skin gun or 1x perm coupon gun) no one have to worry about it.

    And you said "abondoning game will prove that people just cuz of vermins" This option will be reason to bring them back and I know alot of person who will back to CF only for this.

    All we need is some rules to make it easy and clear.
    Yes to rules for trade but still they'll demand zps for exchange. That's why i call trading weapons bad idea. Cuz some people will be sentimental with weapon and overprice it.
  • BlindNate wrote: »
    Yes to rules for trade but still they'll demand zps for exchange. That's why i call trading weapons bad idea. Cuz some people will be sentimental with weapon and overprice it.

    If you would have alot of double zp weapons, you would have some positiv ideas...
  • z8 should just make a market like fifa ultimate teams!
  • BlindNate wrote: »
    Yes to rules for trade but still they'll demand zps for exchange. That's why i call trading weapons bad idea. Cuz some people will be sentimental with weapon and overprice it.

    Cause of this Z8 have to determinate every gun's price.

    So If I had AK Fury I can change it With M4 IB without giving extra things cause they have same price. But If Z8 determinate every gun's price then everyone have to follow the rules. They can determinate them for release years, rarity etc. Sample; M4A1 Spring's price will be 40.000 - 50.000 ZP. Now I have thompson id but I want m4 ib but there's 40k zp difference so I must give something that which fits for 40k zp and they determine'd m4's price as between 40-50k zp, now I can give it with thompson to take m4.

    And yes I agree with you there will be some sentimental/overpricers but it will doesn't matter if we had a system like I mentioned at up.
  • Yeah?

    Easy conclusion. Z8games should stop updating new maps and mode etc... Clean up its game first before it should update anything else.
  • ohyousure wrote: »
    Easy conclusion. Z8games should stop updating new maps and mode etc... Clean up its game first before it should update anything else.

    You think the team who fixes stuff is the same team who create new content?
  • Hehe, You don't say Bro

    They should be in two different team as they shouldn't be, otherwise it'll be 2 much work. But I agree with that comment. Both team should focus on its inside problem before it updates new content.
  • 915366441 wrote: »
    They should be in two different team as they shouldn't be, otherwise it'll be 2 much work. But I agree with that comment. Both team should focus on its inside problem before it updates new content.

    Do you usually ask a graphic designer to program a game?
  • Limit one account per IP?

    Let's say that there is a person that forgot all his information for his main account. How in the world will he continue to play CrossFire.

    He is pretty much done. Unless he makes a account at the library with public internet or his friends place.
  • BlindNate wrote: »
    Sorry but you're missing the point.
    Lets say we both want to trade for weapons.
    I would say: Sure np, first give me 50k of zps in advance or no trade of weapons.
    I have been pointing you at this message.
    People would demand also zps for a trade.

    are you saying that 2 players on the verge of trading 2 duplicate BM weapons, one of them will ask for ZP? why?

    its a weapon for a weapon!

    and even tho what you say is true, how is that gonna make Z8 lose money?
  • DSTAllen wrote: »
    Limit one account per IP?

    Let's say that there is a person that forgot all his information for his main account. How in the world will he continue to play CrossFire.

    He is pretty much done. Unless he makes a account at the library with public internet or his friends place.

    I believe there already is a hardware account limit. Im not sure if this is implemented yet though
  • dzoser wrote: »

    and even tho what you say is true, how is that gonna make Z8 lose money?
    No one would buy zps then some people would do it but some of them would trade.
    Also i only explain how some people would do "exchange" of weapons if they would bring trading system.
  • hackers and no sound

    the new wave hahahaha what a joke the hackers are still here in cf . and no sound in reg. mode
    wooops who did that?cf you need to protect us from hackers make ton`s of money from this game time for you guys to step up.fix the bug`s and fix the hackers.