5 Year Veteran Ribbon Proposal

In this thread i'll cover some facts i'm sure most of you already know about.

As soon as Ribbons came out - everybody wanted them, and it was a rush to see who can get the most out of your group of friends. These ribbons lasted a good year almost before we started not seeing any new ones.

Well... I've been playing this game for 5 years now, and it's safe to say i'm a 5 Year Veteran, so I think that's a good enough idea for another ribbon.

There's a ribbon named "Veteran Soldier" Which is obtained by having your character for one year, well... what about 2 years, 3 years, 4 years, or even 5?

Crossfire North America was release on January 30th, 2009.
I created my character -Catastr0phe in 2009, about this time. (March Xth, 2014)
I think I should have atleast SOME recognition for my 5 years of playing this game.

EDIT: Some people have pointed out my selfishness just a little. Before adding JUST a 5 year veteran ribbon - add a 3 year, 4 year, and then a 5 year ribbon.
