LK LFT, sub spot wotever

Im taking this semester off cause Im bored yep, that is right you heard it. Im taking a half year semester off cause Im bored. Reason? Many,mostly cause Im not really sure what I want to study and all loool so I take half year off to clear my thoughts, my grade are high enough for most diploma I want but I dont know wot I really want.

Enough abt my pathetic life. Here is what I can provide you:
+ Active -> No school I can play at ANY TIME(Unless I have parties but will give the team heads up)

+ Dedicated cause SO MUCH TIMEEE

+ Gamesense

+ Average aim? I can get my shot back in 2 days xD playing nonstop!!

+ A private mumble server ( I paid it yep, still running forgot to cancel it but too lazy so I just leave it there lol)

I would like:
+ A team that active?

+ Have enough people for matches

+ Practice

xD Thanks for reading bois. I will be sub if the s5 is better than me =) no problem.
ps: My computer is good for any client and can record good quality bandi without lag
