Bad Peformance With My Rig.

Hi guys, i have contacted support about my issues and they can't seem to help. They told me to ask the forums. So this is what im doing.
With my rig I should be getting 200 fps even while i am recording. My specs are:
- CPU: Intel Core i7 4700MQ Quad Core 2.4ghz (8 Threads, also Turbo Boost to 3.4ghz)
- GPU: Nvidia GT 745m 2gb
- RAM: DDR3L SDRAM 8GB 1600mhz

I have other games on my pc. I can play Bioshock infinte on ultra setting with more fps than i can get in cross fire, i get 40-50 fps in crossfire. My setting are all on lowest, i have turned replay off. Computer in high performance. Anything you can think of i have done. Just please if anyone can help, i would really appreciate it. :-)
