razor game booster not working with cf

Plain and simple. It doesn't work. It always gives me send error report every time... I hope you guys have a patch to fix this because I need my FP'S to be stable...


  • Use search on this forum - see that Razor (so called) Boost is for a long time unsupported by X-trap - your solution is to stop using-it

    Also a lot of other so called Game boosters are not supported - because they use your RAM in a way that interfering with X-trap.

    SO if you wanna boost your PC you must search other way - not using programs that load in your system RAM.

    Old School way are always better: close all your unused aplications like: messangers, torrents, IE accelerators.. etc etc, stop all unwanted process like autoupdates, printers, etc etc - will free a lot of your RAM and a part of CPU

    Also are some programs like Advanced System Care 7 that have a turbo boost button who will made all those things writed before to free more RAM and CPU for your game - and not load any other <<boost exe>> on your RAM .

    p.s. FPS is close related to the GPU and RAM from your video card. My tip is to activate Vertical sync ON from your video drivers - this way your video card will generate as much FPS your display can handle like 60, 75 or 85 ... and will be a stable FPS

    FPS is close related to also CPU in this game, and i have 6gb of ram, but i will try this advanced system core to see if that works. Thanks for replaying
  • it gives that error when U record in score page and sometimes in the room before it begins , but after the match begins it works fine to me :)
  • try overwolf its works way better but even better when razor game booster is on, also note razor game booster wont crash when over wolf is on.