Simple & Easy way to get ZP items

First, Register at (a site where you can purchase zp)

After registering, login, and click the "ultimate points" button, then click "earn" at the bottom.


Next, you will be prompted with a survey box with three different types of survey choices.


After doing this for myself, and a few others, I've noticed there are certain ways to gain faster Ultimate Points, in turn ZP.
Click the "GetGambit" tab, and start doing those.
The fastest, and legitimate ones are the ones that you download toolbars, games or e-cards. Do as many as you can and save up ultimate points!

After doing the GetGambit surveys, click the "Surveys" tab, once a day there will be a "super" survey. It gives you a high number amount of ultimate points and it is very fast, however some people do not qualify, read the question and make your best educated guess as to wich people are wanted for that particular survey. For instance, There was a Ford survey asking what kind of car you drive, of course you click ford.

After stocking up with Ultimate points, you're ready to get them delicious items, mm Z8.

I collected over 400 points within 45 minutes total, each time buying 20k gp + hazard name tags for 221 ultimate points. Want Proof? Here you go :)


This guide a little sloppy, but it will help you get those items you need!

Enjoy! Bobby. Merry Christmas to all!
