Looking for scrim clan

Hi Clan Leader and LTs out there,
I made a new character, because i dont like being high ranked(i dont know why), so im looking for a clan for my new character, which will be my main ( http://clan.z8games.com/charstat_cf.aspx?usn=5782477 )

IGN: [P]recision
Weapon: AWM, Deagle/P228
K/D: 1.87 at the moment, because i had to fight with lagg issues, will be 2.0 again soon
Playstyle: Sniping
Previous Clans: I've been in a few Invite-only-clans, but also in Deadly ones
Why you left said clans: because everyone left and clan got deleted, or if they are inactive
Crossfire Playtime: Im playing crossfire for a few months already, i usually play around 2-3 hours a day, sometimes more
Total Gaming Experience: I played alot of FPS games already, like CS, CSS, Halo, C&C Renegade(lol), and a few more which names i cant remember right now
What you're looking for in a clan: most important thing is Scrim/CW for me, im not interested in pubs, and for a few friends maybe
Mic/VoiceChat Clients: I do have a headset and a mic, i dont like talking on ventrilo though

I dont have XFire, but you can whisper me ingame
