For those of you who didn't know...

>>lrukandji == Gaundi / Andrew / sS_Gandi.<<

His claims of knowing thedoop are true. Andrew, or Iruakndji as he is called was chilling with doops in LL vent a few weeks back, and they seemed to enjoy eachothers company (no bromo). This is were his claims of knowing doops emitted, but since he hasn't came out of the closet and told doops who he is really is, doop denies to know Irukandji, or Gandi.

Recent Teamviewing on his PC by PopZ proves my point further, he was on vent with the name "Andrew", which is gandi's first name. Coincidence? I think not.(Unfortunately, PopZ didn't know how to take a screenshot at the time. = =)

If you really think about it, it all makes sense. The only person who can pull off some shots that Irukandji can pull off in crossfire is Gandi. The 360 shooting with the awp? That's gaundi's prefered move in crossfire, considering he's been practicing it all this time. I know gaundi's playing style because I've known him for a while now. To say the least, his playing style is pretty easy to distinguish.

(Hope this answers all your controversial questions.)
