ESG ROUND1 match tonight

hRvwNlq.png vs 5CxJ9rc.png
Time: 9:00pm EST
Where to watch: but if you want to watch players pov (Wizdom) (Jstaff)

Starting Lineups:

A5: Markeloff,*Korrupt, Sinatra, J.Staff and KlNGD0M.ViET
ELT: Wizdom, logic, 15oL, aztcCK- and _D[r]*_JaY_

Quick Take on Enlighten: Just by looking at the roster you can tell they're a solid team. With great shots and exp they are the favors of winning the ESG Winter Series. One thing I personally know about this team is that they know how to frag so when it comes to players to watch look out for their whole roster.

Quick Take on A5: A team with potential. This team has been together for about a month I say and been doing quite decent. A5 finished their group play undefeated which contain teams like TOM FORD and Undaunted so I wouldn't underestimate this team. Due all trash talking lately and high ego from team member (j staff ) he will be the player to watch.

Prediction: I would love to see this go to a third map but I highly doubt that. ELT > A5 2-0 map sweep

Best of Luck to both teams.