Constant Hackusations

In every pub. In at least 3/4 of my team's scrims.

"lololo turn'em off noobs"

I don't get it. I'm an average player in CS:S and 1.6, but it seems like hearing someone approaching a corner and prefiring it means you hack. None of my team mates, nor I, hack. We just play the game. We're a decent team, but we don't do anything that would make people think we hack in other games.

I think about a dozen teams reported us just today (or at least said they would). I just don't want to sign on one day and realize I'm banned because a hundred people sent in replays that show nothing more than prefiring a corner as I hear them approach it, or sniping them down a long hallway with an awm.

Is it just me or does everyone accuse everyone of hacking?
