So i bought a Spas-12

Today i bought a spas-12...i did cuz i wanted to have a different game style with a shoty and because its some what rare to see in game.

I had xm10 in the past and it was good,but the freaking hard to get kills with it.....

This shoty does around 70 89 dmg mid range,and kills 1 shot close range,
the bullets spread super wide unlike xm10 where there close to eachother...

Its slower fire rate makes it hard to hit moving ghosts so instead of spraying like with the xm10 you just have to calculate your shots more.

Theres more flaws in the Spas-12 then on the xm10,its like Anaconda and Deagle

Anaconda looks better and its 42000 but harder to get kills.
Deagle is easy to get kills and its just 35000

I guess CF charges more on looks than performance.
