Mouse scrolling wheel o.O

Well, I've started getting this issue after the update where when i QS, I cant scroll back to my secondary wep, It takes me like 3 scrolls or 2 to change my wep I cant get it from the first time i scroll... Dont tell me just use Q because I get confused sometimes so I dont use Q... Anyone been getting this issue lately? The mouse is brand new, nothing wrong with it.. need help asap.


  • You might try the Windows scroll wheel adjustment, Control Panel>Hardware and Sound>Mouse>Mouse Properties>Wheel>Vertical Scrolling and adjust the number of lines it's set to scroll per wheel notch. Mine is 3 and I've never changed it so I'd assume that's the default under Windows 7. If you're using a gaming mouse that has its own control program it would probably be different, I've only ever used regular mice.