Come Pick me up

So im in the clan right now called pink police (Premium) they are getting very disrespectful and dont call good strats.Also they are very rude and inmature and very hmmm how should i say it *Tough Talk*in chat talking shiz.My ingame name is *Souls i have ventrilo.I dont know yet if im leaving the clan but just post some of your clans.This is what i expect of your clan to have.

-Your clan must be decent in scrim and every player not 2-3 people can hold there own score the whole team.
-Theres really no age requirements i just dont want a inmature clan sure joking around and makeing fun of each other every once and awhile but not all the time.
-Have some sort of talking program to communicate with.
-Most of all i dont want a clan that doest do scrims i want a hard core really good scrim clan.
-Please make sure your clan can call strat's.

This is all of my information.

-I have a 1.8 kdr.
-I've been scrimming for 3-4months.
-I have a team speak/communication program.
-Mic yes.
-age 14.
-Heres my profile if u wanna check it out.

If your clan and my profile goes with your clan post it down there :) GL by the way i dont know for sure if im leaving my clan yet.
