Im Confused


  • farming is killing another character that isnt actualy there e.g. two computers logged into cf one you just leave sitting there and the other 1 just kills it over and over and over and over and so on and so forth.

    tanking is when say you shoot someone clearly in the chest running at you head on and they kill you and you did 0 damage to them thats tanking or maybe you did a little damage but not the amount of damage you should of done depending on how much you shot the person

    tankers are either ping laggers or FPS laggers either way evan if you can see they have a high ping rate they will still denie they lag plus people with really low ping can lag aswel and they will definetly say its you who is laggin
  • farming: killing players that are inactive at there spawn over and over. usually they are there by choice, in other words they are helping the farmer raise their exp and clan points.

    Tanking: shooting someone in the chest but they go out unscaved and maybe manage to kill you in the process