crime retirement

I've decided to quit the game because I feel like I've been spending too much time on this game during a time when I shouldn't be. If anything, I'll just hop on my alts to pub around once in a while, but I'll be off the grid for a while. Thanks to everyone for an entertaining 1.5 years and I'm glad I was able to bring at least a little bit more competition amongst clans (or at least I hope so). Sorry to anyone who I've trolled or straight up talked shit to. It's your choice whether or not you still hold it against me, but I apologize anyways. The time I've spent in this game has been such a roller coaster that it's unbelievable. From trolling the forums like a madman to becoming one of the better players in the clan server community, shit has been so cash the past 1.5 years. I've made and lost so many friends, but I'm glad that I was able to be a part of the core community within the clan server (if you can call it that).

Shout outs:

GHST_FACE: I've only been in the clan for a short time, but you're honestly one of the chillest clan leaders I've ever met. I have so much respect for you, and I hope your clan sticks around and does well in the future.

TaeYeon: t-time #desu. It's been great playing with you for GeeGee(1st and 2nd time), SH, and spline (for like a week lol). You have an awesome awm shot, and I hope you do well in TriggerHappy.

Konrad: One of the few friends I've made in the clan server. You're a cool guy, and I bid you the best of luck in triggergods. p.s. you're always welcome to farm my csgo account. I got ranked down to 3 stars :(

Joe: my nigga. Sorry for being an ass during gocs. You're funny as hell and pubbing/pugging/scrimming with you and the rest of trix was awesome. GL in the forum tournies and hopefully you win gocs!

Rainn: I probably should have told you earlier that I'm quitting for good. Based on the conversations we had on mumble, I can tell that you're actually a really intelligent guy. Good luck in college, but don't try to take down the government ! ;)

Ha: I have nothing to say to you, scumbag. I hope you die, you two-faced loser.

Bruce/Chris: Clan warring with you guys way back then was so much fun. Trolling on our Egy Pro accounts up to 2 in the morning was hilarious even though I got my computer taken away because my dad caught me playing with you guys :( best of luck to you guys (even though bruce already quit)

Snitch: best player I've played with, hands down. You pretty much introduced me to the competitive scene by letting me join acgTOOLTIME back in the day and taught me some stuff that helped me out. You were also the carry when we played for Senseless, and you've always been my nigga. Stop saying that you're not Snitch when I whisper you in game! smh.

kobe and joon are cool too

and with this, I bid adieu! I won't be posting in this thread or the forums in general for a while. Once again, thanks so much to everyone who made my time on CF an amazing time. While many people will say that spending a ton of time on Crossfire is a waste of time, this is not true. Time that you spent having fun is not time wasted (as long as you're doing well in real life as well). Good luck to everyone in whatever they are pursuing!
