Some more few Suggestions.

I keep thinking of things that might make CF a better game cause i honestly love this game. This was my first online FPS shooter. Hopefully you, the community can give some mature responses to these suggestions and the devs/ admins or whoever runs this game.

1. Remove the ping status and make it so that only you can see your ping. Just like only you can see your FPS. Honestly, i may be playing in alpha and people say "miniping kick" or "high ping lagger". It only leads to arguments, kicks, etc. If somebody is lagging badly you can tell.

2. More support for veteran players. Something like veteran week. Honestly think about whats keeping the veterans in this game? Probably either a clan or the amount of money spent. Yes there's ribbons but honestly most people don't care about that anymore. Yes there's an FP system but there should be something better to help veterans. Since honestly they are the ones who keep this game alive and you with your jobs. They buy ZP and are at least half the player base.

You have nice events and things for new people but eventually those run out and they get bored. What will keep them playing is if they have something to look forward to. like a goal.

3. Make it harder to sign up. Its way to easy for people to make a new account (hackers). Lots of hackers will get put off from hacking simply because of this. Imagine you having to make a new email, sign up on z8, and wait for about 3 minutes to get a confirmation email and then getting banned by the autoban system before you can even play. And then having to do that all over again. Common would most people sit there and do that? NO. But yes there will be a few that have a raging passion for it but they will eventually get banned.

4. Better events. In the new patch you have to play 20 games of GM which takes a long time just for a namecard for 7 days. Yes while its nice to have free stuff but you HAVE to give better prizes in order to keep your players interested. Maybe a 7 day gun, just something that's usefull when you play a game. Reward your player well and they will keep loyal.

5. Communicate with your community. Yes you have mods but people want to hear straight from the top. Right now you guys seem like a dark money hungry company. If you communicate with players and respond to them then you they will feel like you guys are closer to them and they wont hate you nearly as much.

6. EXP and GP when you are kicked. I don't understand why this has not yet been implemented unless it simply cant be done. When i am kicked im not mad that i got kicked because of people thinking i hack or whatever reason, im mad that i played for so long and do not get any of the rewards. Ask the community if they would still mind getting kicked if they got all the rewards. I know i wont. Since i understand that new players will think im hacking because im really good. i thought that when i was a noobie too.

Now yes that means that hackers that get kicked will still get rewards.....BUT will it matter when they are banned? NO. GP and exp are useless if their goal is to make others mad and when they cant use it anymore.

Now to my conclusion, Z8, the community, I don't think that the best way we beat hackers is by banning them, that will decrease them but i think the best way to keep hackers at a minimum is by keeping the community happy. If players are mad they are driven to hack. If they love the game there is no reason to hack, if the community is happy there will be less hackers. The hackers want to make the community mad, angry and become one of them. That is how they succeed. Z8, if you keep your community happy, aware of the things that are being done to stop all this they will be more confident in the company and will want to play your game.

You have a great game and i hate seeing it get ruined by hackers, arguments, racism, and just a bad community [which i am also guilty of(not hacking though)]. Sorry for the wall of text but i just had to get my thoughts out there.

YEEEES i know z8 is just a game portal but its easier to call the admins z8 k.


  • There needs more communication indeed. Some mods don't talk to us players much :P . I'd say they would communicate but only to friends or people in clans but that's probably not the case.
  • xHAMSTERRR wrote: »
    There needs more communication indeed. Some mods don't talk to us players much :P . I'd say they would communicate but only to friends or people in clans but that's probably not the case.

    Yeah id really like a GM to regularly get on the forums and talk to us players. They seem so distant and you really only hear them when a new patch comes out.
  • All of these are great suggestions
    The first one would kinda make people use lag as an excuse when they die though because they know we can't see what their actual ping is xD that's not important though.
    The exp and gp when you're kicked should be added to the game asap.
  • Great suggestions.

    Event prizes are free though, we should be happy with what we're getting, if you don’t like the prizes simply don't do the events.
  • All of these are great suggestions
    The first one would kinda make people use lag as an excuse when they die though because they know we can't see what their actual ping is xD that's not important though.
    The exp and gp when you're kicked should be added to the game asap.
    Lol people still blame deaths on it anyways. But yeah we NEED the exp and GP when kicked.
    Demoniite wrote: »
    Great suggestions.

    Event prizes are free though, we should be happy with what we're getting, if you don’t like the prizes simply don't do the events.

    Yes but better prizes are what keeps people interested. It makes the game more fun if people have an event like we used to. 100mil kills event that got you a ribbon. Im just asking for something better than a namecrard and 1 day weapons. They need to expose people to better content in the game so people would wanna buy it. If i get to use a weapon and i really like it id wanna buy it.
  • I liked your ideas! especially that suggestion of getting the rewards if you are kicked from the room, cuz I suffer from this problem alot! 40mins in a game then this ugly message appears telling you that kids/noobs kicked you cuz you are the ace or you got a super/lucky kill.
  • 'i wrote:
    Count;3848432']I liked your ideas! especially that suggestion of getting the rewards if you are kicked from the room, cuz I suffer from this problem alot! 40mins in a game then this ugly message appears telling you that kids/noobs kicked you cuz you are the ace or you got a super/lucky kill.

    Yeah playing untill round 12 in an SnD and you get kicked because your team thought you were hacking but kept you to win. Then kicked you so they can feel good about it. It really needs to be implemented.
  • I think you dont want to run into a lagger and die without knowing what he did ( which can be prevented if you can see his status and kick him), or let's say you have high ping for a while and want to stay at base to pass that laggy moment, you cant do it if the ping status is removed.

    The veteran suggestion is pretty nice. I think they should kind of reward the veteran for staying with the game for a long time. Honestly, I always look up to them and want to have a high rank like them ( veteran not farmer nub) and this keeps me to enter battle everyday. And I also want the petty soldier to look up at me ( I'm only a captain, about to be major but I have known and played this game in other version since 2009). More ribbons and events for these soldier will be very nice.

    The EXP and GP I think doesnt matter ( for me it does, lol) if you get kicked you just are, just go to another room and start another battle ( to me it's not a game since I really love it). This also will keeps you from promoting so you can stay longer with CF ( yeah, haha).

    Z8 should make everybody to pay 500 gp to kick someone at 4th position and above on the table ( It's worth if the person is hacking). Just my opinions.
  • NickTran1 wrote: »
    I think you dont want to run into a lagger and die without knowing what he did ( which can be prevented if you can see his status and kick him), or let's say you have high ping for a while and want to stay at base to pass that laggy moment, you cant do it if the ping status is removed.

    The veteran suggestion is pretty nice. I think they should kind of reward the veteran for staying with the game for a long time. Honestly, I always look up to them and want to have a high rank like them ( veteran not farmer nub) and this keeps me to enter battle everyday. And I also want the petty soldier to look up at me ( I'm only a captain, about to be major but I have known and played this game in other version since 2009). More ribbons and events for these soldier will be very nice.

    The EXP and GP I think doesnt matter ( for me it does, lol) if you get kicked you just are, just go to another room and start another battle ( to me it's not a game since I really love it). This also will keeps you from promoting so you can stay longer with CF ( yeah, haha).

    Z8 should make everybody to pay 500 gp to kick someone at 4th position and above on the table ( It's worth if the person is hacking). Just my opinions.

    Yeah but if hes at 200 ping it doesn't matter if you want to kick him since most of the community wont. It really sucks for the low ping players because they are constantly kick voted for having a lower ping. And you will still be able to see your ping just not others. just like the FPS you can only but not others.

    The Exp and GP should matter since it takes a longer time for you to earn GP and buy new weapons. Getting no reward for getting kicked means it becomes a lottery and a grind (for people like me who get kicked and called a hacker alot) in every game. You might get kicked and you might not. Not only that but the game becomes boring, especially for newer players who get kicked for not doing well and then don't earn the GP to buy themselves a better weapon. Makes potential hackers.
  • The only people I know that QQ about low ping are the BRs and south american players since they have high ping. I once entered delta server and this guy kept saying kicking me cause I got 50~60 ping and all of them have high ping, well I didnt know what delta server looks like and just wanted to take a peak.

    I think all the low rank players have their time to choose whether to become a hacker or not it in CF ( mostly from smiley to 2nd lieut). It's their own choice. Getting kicked will make them try harder in game also. But anyway z8 aint gonna listen to us.
  • NickTran1 wrote: »
    The only people I know that QQ about low ping are the BRs and south american players since they have high ping. I once entered delta server and this guy kept saying kicking me cause I got 50~60 ping and all of them have high ping, well I didnt know what delta server looks like and just wanted to take a peak.

    I think all the low rank players have their time to choose whether to become a hacker or not it in CF ( mostly from smiley to 2nd lieut). It's their own choice. Getting kicked will make them try harder in game also. But anyway z8 aint gonna listen to us.

    Delta was known as the BR server and if you got low ping you got kicked.

    Well think about it. Lets say you started playing a new FPS other than CF and you got kicked for being bad. Would that make you try harder or get back at them for kicking you?
    And yeah there's different reasons to become a hacker but this way i can get rid of 1 of them. I hope they do listen. Its their jobs on the line. We can just simply move to another game.
  • I've been playing fps games since I was 7.. been more than 10 years now and I have no problem to be good ( or not to let people call me nub) in a fps game. I just need to know how the modes in that game works. Been playing CF since 2009 in two different versions of it. Most of the hackers are low rank so to be a hacker or player is the first thing they do when playing CF. If you really like the game, it wouldnt be so hard to you to play another game after being kicked. Z8 can put a limit rank for the EXP and Gp you said above. Let's say players below 2nd lieut still get their exp and gp when got kicked.

    I didnt know and I just left the room cause I felt like I can be kicked anytime... Couldnt trust those BRs.
  • Great suggestions. Wouldn't expect anything different from you. Z8games should take this into consideration.
  • Nice speech , I agree with you ...
    As I said meeting topic is very important for admins to communicate with players , and about h@ckers .... begin to banned on the IP / MAC .

    I always did make topic about this and most moderators say that : "we talking all of these problems and we will implement in the near future"

  • wDGEORGE wrote: »
    Nice speech , I agree with you ...
    As I said meeting topic is very important for admins to communicate with players , and about h@ckers .... begin to banned on the IP / MAC .

    I always did make topic about this and most moderators say that : "we talking all of these problems and we will implement in the near future"


    Man i just hope they read these suggestions.