Introducing BuddieShops
Z8Games is happy to announce that we have launched BuddieShops, a new payment method that allows you to purchase ZP and pay with Google Checkout, Money Bookers, Paypal and other payment methods. BuddieShops makes your ZP purchase faster, more convenient and more secure!
In celebration, we are holding a special promotion for those of you who purchase ZP with BuddieShops. Between December 25th, 2009 and January 3rd, 2010 all purchases made through BuddieShops will receive 10% additional Z8 Points.
How it works:
In celebration, we are holding a special promotion for those of you who purchase ZP with BuddieShops. Between December 25th, 2009 and January 3rd, 2010 all purchases made through BuddieShops will receive 10% additional Z8 Points.
How it works:
1. Login to your Z8Games Account and click Deposit.
2. Select BuddieShops as your payment method
3. Choose the amount of ZP you want to add and click on "next".
4. Complete the purchase with your desired payment option.
5. Depending on the method the process will vary, you will see a confirmation message when your transaction is complete.
2. Select BuddieShops as your payment method
3. Choose the amount of ZP you want to add and click on "next".
4. Complete the purchase with your desired payment option.
5. Depending on the method the process will vary, you will see a confirmation message when your transaction is complete.
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