katana gold

make katana gold,permanent for 100 cupons in that way u give a chance for other players to have a decent(not so good for they don t know use it) melee. in that way u repair the fact u remove axe from cupons


  • No
    Some people tried really hard on ghost mode events to get one permanent
    It wont be fair
    A regular katana with 80 coupons(replace sl8) would be cool
  • K4ZR4G0R3 wrote: »
    Some people tried really hard on ghost mode events to get one permanent
    It wont be fair
    A regular katana with 80 coupons(replace sl8) would be cool

    some of us won gm comps to get a perm plain axe
    why did they ever have it for 50 coupons
    its not fair
  • Bring combat axe gold for 100 coupons or in BM. Other versions already have it.
  • Right now I have 95 coupons and I dunno if I should get a 2nd de gold, gold winchester or just save till another coupon wep releases..
  • Regular non gold perm melee would just be fine. It wouldn't be fair for those who played in the Ghost Mode tournaments and tried their best.
  • Gold or regular it dosent mater but a melee is necesary for every player in gm
    and if dont give a chance for new players they will quite play or worst they will use hak cos they have nothingh to lose if they get banned will make anew account and do the same thingh
  • I dont like the katana. It's only useful in GM. Just put a regular axe back in the BM coupon plz.
  • NickTran1 wrote: »
    I dont like the katana. It's only useful in GM. Just put a regular axe back in the BM coupon plz.

    katana is for pro.. i understand why u don t like it
  • I'm fine with Permanent Golden Katanas being released in the game, had a good 2 years with it exclusively to ourselves. Most players that I know that have one quit or became majorly inactive, so they shouldn't really care anymore.

    But for a Perm melee in coupons I rather have something better, Golden axe perhaps :D? Katana is very heavy and slow to attack. It only really useful in GM, in knife matches you have to out skill your opponent by quite a bit to kill them. Got to have perfect timing because your attack is slow and your slow moving, so if you miss your opponents speed advantage will allow them to close in and kill you before you even get another attack. Many that have one that I talked to prefer a knife over it most of the time.

    Even in GM its weight is felt, your B hop is as slow as most rifle GR running so it hard to chase opponents and the slow b hop makes going up ramps/stairs harder then other melee weapons. If you miss the strike you can't attack for a good 2 seconds at all so your more vulnerable on a miss compared other melee weapons. It slow B hop also means it is harder to get away after a miss.

    Compared to other 1-hit kill anywhere melees, it is at quite a disadvantage.
  • VATAV wrote: »
    I'm fine with Permanent Golden Katanas being released in the game, had a good 2 years with it exclusively to ourselves. Most players that I know that have one quit or became majorly inactive, so they shouldn't really care anymore.

    But for a Perm melee in coupons I rather have something better, Golden axe perhaps :D? Katana is very heavy and slow to attack. It only really useful in GM, in knife matches you have to out skill your opponent by quite a bit to kill them. Got to have perfect timing because your attack is slow and your slow moving, so if you miss your opponents speed advantage will allow them to close in and kill you before you even get another attack. Many that have one that I talked to prefer a knife over it most of the time.

    Even in GM its weight is felt, your B hop is as slow as most rifle GR running so it hard to chase opponents and the slow b hop makes going up ramps/stairs harder then other melee weapons. If you miss the strike you can't attack for a good 2 seconds at all so your more vulnerable on a miss compared other melee weapons. It slow B hop also means it is harder to get away after a miss.

    Compared to other 1-hit kill anywhere melees, it is at quite a disadvantage.

    dude we talking here about a heavy katana and .... a light NOTHIGH (or 30 days axe for 15 cupons if i remember well) i think in that situation i will choose a heavy katana