Embedded report system, remove vote!

Take note Z8.

You guys need to embed the report function in to CrossFire itself so that players can instantly report hackers. Once hackers are found, THEY NEED TO BE IP BANNED. People are just making new accounts over and over. ITS TIME FOR IP BANS.

You guys also need to remove the vote system. Its just used by adolescent noobs who rage at players with the slightest bit of skill.

If these things aren't implemented there is no point in anybody playing this game. You either waste 20 minutes playing with a hacker, or waste 20 minutes playing well and then get kicked by a load of noobs.

For your sake and your players sake. Fix these problems.


  • Embedded Report System:

    No, very bad idea. People will stop reviewing their replays if they can report in-game. Meaning that the support system gets backed up by a fast load of false reports, and ultimately slowing down the process of banning the real hackers.

    IP Banning:

    Pointless, considering it is incredibly easy to get a ghost-IP address. In other words, someone else's IP address. Meaning innocent people will get banned, because a hacker is using their IP address through ghost-IPing.

    Removal of Kick-Vote System:

    Again, a bad idea. It's not the system that is flawed, but the people that abuse it. The kick-vote system does exactly what it's suppose to do. Kick a player on a majority of votes, and it is meant to be used only to remove players that disrupt the game by means of hacking, insulting or otherwise disruptive behavior. It is a tool, and it is up to the player on how to use that tool responsibly.


    What should change, is how players can get away with abuse of the kick-vote system, and how those who are kicked are left with nothing. There is no need to take away a player's achievements during a match, because if he was rightfully kicked, a report aught to follow. And the report should lead to punishment of the player's misbehavior, and not the kick itself. Furthermore, anyone who invokes a kick-vote should be forced to file a full reason for his actions after the match, and review the replay of that match. Anyone who clicks this message away without filing a full reason and review the replay, should lose the right to use the kick-vote system for 24 hours.
  • Frecklez wrote: »

    Furthermore, anyone who invokes a kick-vote should be forced to file a full reason for his actions after the match, and review the replay of that match. Anyone who clicks this message away without filing a full reason and review the replay, should lose the right to use the kick-vote system for 24 hours.[/B][/COLOR]

    This is probably one of the best sugestions i have ever seen in these forums!
    Frecklez as an ex-mod are you able to pass it higher? (i hope u understood my english arent such fluent ;P)
  • .
    Take note Z8.

    You guys need to embed the report function in to CrossFire itself so that players can instantly report hackers. Once hackers are found, THEY NEED TO BE IP BANNED. People are just making new accounts over and over. ITS TIME FOR IP BANS.

    You guys also need to remove the vote system. Its just used by adolescent noobs who rage at players with the slightest bit of skill.

    If these things aren't implemented there is no point in anybody playing this game. You either waste 20 minutes playing with a hacker, or waste 20 minutes playing well and then get kicked by a load of noobs.

    For your sake and your players sake. Fix these problems.

    NEW Kicking system. - 02-27-2011, 05:19 AM
    I am really,really,really tired to be kicked from
    rooms i made !!!!! I play verry much elimination mode [crossroad] I am the Leader of °Temple°™ clan. http://clan.z8games.com/charstat_cf.aspx?
    usn=5846502 There are many high level players in [cf] but cause
    of hackers they are become the victims of every
    newby who just started playing and believe you
    hack .Anyone Can kick you cause he just dont like
    you,or you are to good for him. Its hard to
    improve your skills that way.Always knowing that any second ,getting 2-3 head shots in row you
    can be kicked!!!
    Its like the newbies rule crossfire , they dont let
    descend players to improve. My sugestion is for "100 time" Give the kick vote
    option only to the HOST of the room!!! What more "democratik"??!!! Imade the room i
    have the option to kick if i like..... That way, if the host kick someone for no
    reasson..Anyone can report him cause hes the
    only person in the room who have the power to
    kick... ~Wait to see some changes.~

    2011 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 3 YEARS AGO

    kiking option - 05-22-2010, 11:24 AM Somebody please try to do something about
    kiking option cause all good players are kiked all
    the time from game from Any one who believe he
    Mayby better fix an option like only host can kik
    player from game! Think about it! Its became verry annoying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Think about it!!!!

    2010 !!!!!!! 4years ago.

  • Frecklez wrote: »
    Embedded Report System:

    No, very bad idea. People will stop reviewing their replays if they can report in-game. Meaning that the support system gets backed up by a fast load of false reports, and ultimately slowing down the process of banning the real hackers.

    IP Banning:

    Pointless, considering it is incredibly easy to get a ghost-IP address. In other words, someone else's IP address. Meaning innocent people will get banned, because a hacker is using their IP address through ghost-IPing.

    Removal of Kick-Vote System:

    Again, a bad idea. It's not the system that is flawed, but the people that abuse it. The kick-vote system does exactly what it's suppose to do. Kick a player on a majority of votes, and it is meant to be used only to remove players that disrupt the game by means of hacking, insulting or otherwise disruptive behavior. It is a tool, and it is up to the player on how to use that tool responsibly.


    What should change, is how players can get away with abuse of the kick-vote system, and how those who are kicked are left with nothing. There is no need to take away a player's achievements during a match, because if he was rightfully kicked, a report aught to follow. And the report should lead to punishment of the player's misbehavior, and not the kick itself. Furthermore, anyone who invokes a kick-vote should be forced to file a full reason for his actions after the match, and review the replay of that match. Anyone who clicks this message away without filing a full reason and review the replay, should lose the right to use the kick-vote system for 24 hours.

    Freaklezz didnt you tired to telling that the kicking system is perfect,an that the people must change but not the system? In grown up communities that would be correct point but im this GAME 90% of players not even 18 years old .What you expect? Responcibility?
    You cant change the people but you can audjust change the game..

    Atleast after 3 years you agree somehow after so many posts about this anoying kicking system and and the courage to propose your own idea..
  • Yes, expecting teenagers to become responsible adults one day is absurd. What was I thinking?
  • Using a report system in game would make quite a lot of troubles tbh. People would be reporting people ( even legit people ) 24/7.

    I am not sure if you are aware but people can only make 3 accounts per IP address now. So if the hacker gets all his accounts banned he won't be able to create another account.

    The website report just need to be fixed and hackers will be punished for sure.

    Vote kick system is a fundamental tool to this game. Without it the game would not be enjoyable at all. They just need to improve X-trap and fix the hacking report website.
  • .
    Frecklez wrote: »
    Yes, expecting teenagers to become responsible adults one day is absurd. What was I thinking?

    Sarcasm is the answer when you dont have any?
  • i don't know if we can even report hackers by uploading a replay file, is it back working?
    Frecklez wrote: »
    Furthermore, anyone who invokes a kick-vote should be forced to file a full reason for his actions after the match, and review the replay of that match. Anyone who clicks this message away without filing a full reason and review the replay, should lose the right to use the kick-vote system for 24 hours.

    i agree, but lose kick-vote system after not filing a reason 3 times, because sometimes u can get a game error or just miss-click, plus players who file like say 500 times, they lose vote right after 4 times not filing reason and so on
  • .
    dzoser wrote: »
    i don't know if we can even report hackers by uploading a replay file, is it back working?

    i agree, but lose kick-vote system after not filing a reason 3 times, because sometimes u can get a game error or just miss-click, plus players who file like say 500 times, they lose vote right after 4 times not filing reason and so on

    Guys its simple..

    This moment we talking ,in a room of 16 members you can be kicked 16-32 times (2 kick votes each)...

    If the only one who can kick is the Host there are 2 vote kickes in each game..

    That is the real responsibility. You have 2 chances to proceed the vote kick ,use wise!!

    That is responsibility, Freckklez.. The "nuclear weapon" in hands of kids is not about responsibility!

    AND you always have the choice to LEAVE the room.!
  • SouLeader wrote: »
    Guys its simple..

    This moment we talking ,in a room of 16 members you can be kicked 16-32 times (2 kick votes each)...

    If the only one who can kick is the Host there are 2 vote kickes in each game..

    That is the real responsibility. You have 2 chances to proceed the vote kick ,use wise!!

    That is responsibility, Freckklez.. The "nuclear weapon" in hands of kids is not about responsibility!

    AND you always have the choice to LEAVE the room.!
    Then the team the host is on always wins because A) Host will kick hackers on the opposite team first. B) There is a good chance that the host won't kick hackers on his team at all, cause they help him win. C) Host will simply kick the players on the opposite team that are better than him.

    In other words, if you're the best player in the room, your chances of getting kicked just increased. Because 1 person holds your fate in his hands. And if you oppose him, he'll drop you without having to ask for the support of a majority. Good luck with that system Soul.

    And FYI, hackers are often hosting their own rooms. Never noticed all those rooms with URLs to hack sites in them? Guess what, those are rooms that were created bij hackers.

    So you haven't got a clue what you're actually are talking about. The only thing you're thinking is, "If only the host could kick, then I could host my own room and no one would be able to kick me". Well, guess what, smarty pants. 2/3 of Crossfire's community thinks that. So 2/3 of the community will create their own room with them in charge, rather than join someone else's room.
  • Fully agree with the op.

    The idea that reports will be spammed and Z8 will have to review them isn't my problem.

    Basically the answer is "carry on being kicked to save Z8 time", no thanks.

    It's about time they took responsibility for the game, even when there was a report system it didn't really work then they had a non functioning report system for over half a year and still do.

    The bans are weak even if they do get auto banned anyway.

    1 chance is enough.

    You have your first account and you hack and you get banned as a warning not to hack, if you do it again after getting unbanned then you should stay banned - you had 2 attempts and failed.

    Host kicking is the best whether you host or not, you just have to join proper rooms with proper people. Then all hacking, glitching, kicking problems are solved in one.
  • Frecklez wrote: »

    IP Banning:

    Pointless, considering it is incredibly easy to get a ghost-IP address. In other words, someone else's IP address. Meaning innocent people will get banned, because a hacker is using their IP address through ghost-IPing.

    Not all gamers are that intelligent to know about ghost IP address.
  • Frecklez wrote: »
    Embedded Report System:

    No, very bad idea. People will stop reviewing their replays if they can report in-game. Meaning that the support system gets backed up by a fast load of false reports, and ultimately slowing down the process of banning the real hackers.

    IP Banning:

    Pointless, considering it is incredibly easy to get a ghost-IP address. In other words, someone else's IP address. Meaning innocent people will get banned, because a hacker is using their IP address through ghost-IPing.

    Removal of Kick-Vote System:

    Again, a bad idea. It's not the system that is flawed, but the people that abuse it. The kick-vote system does exactly what it's suppose to do. Kick a player on a majority of votes, and it is meant to be used only to remove players that disrupt the game by means of hacking, insulting or otherwise disruptive behavior. It is a tool, and it is up to the player on how to use that tool responsibly.


    What should change, is how players can get away with abuse of the kick-vote system, and how those who are kicked are left with nothing. There is no need to take away a player's achievements during a match, because if he was rightfully kicked, a report aught to follow. And the report should lead to punishment of the player's misbehavior, and not the kick itself. Furthermore, anyone who invokes a kick-vote should be forced to file a full reason for his actions after the match, and review the replay of that match. Anyone who clicks this message away without filing a full reason and review the replay, should lose the right to use the kick-vote system for 24 hours.

    This ^

  • Frecklez wrote: »

    Again, a bad idea. It's not the system that is flawed, but the people that abuse it. The kick-vote system does exactly what it's suppose to do. Kick a player on a majority of votes, and it is meant to be used only to remove players that disrupt the game by means of hacking, insulting or otherwise disruptive behavior. It is a tool, and it is up to the player on how to use that tool responsibly.

    The kick system is flawed. Because it can be abused so easily.

    People should kick players for the reason they are doing so. Not just clicking any random reason. We should add more kicking reasons, and an option that allows for a custom reason. The player who is being kicked can (along with keeping his achievements) appeal the decision. It gets sent off where the replay is reviewed (the replay should contain chat too) so that a person who unfairly vote kicks can be punished.

    Make punishment for unfair kicks extremely heavy, I'm talking 1 warning, then a ban. That will act as a deterrent and stop 70% of the kicks. The rest can take their ban.

    Maybe allow respected players with good reputations (never been banned etc etc) to review these cases and they get rewarded for doing so. If enough people agree that it was an unfair decision those people are rewarded. Sorta like CS:GO's overwatch. Except for *******s, not cheaters.
  • What does it matter if the report is in the game or in the site?no one check it any ways...they dont give a s*** about reports
  • xHAMSTERRR wrote: »
    Not all gamers are that intelligent to know about ghost IP address.
    If they can find a site that can provide them with hack software for this game, they can find a site that provides ghost-IP software. Heck, the sites that provide these kids with hack software are also providing them with ghost-IP software. Wake up and smell the coffee, hon.
    10pFreddo wrote: »
    The kick system is flawed. Because it can be abused so easily.
    Here's a sad fact of life for ya, hon. Anything usable is abusable. If it's a quick and easy way to kick the hackers, it's a quick and easy way to kick legit players. It all depends on who's using it. Don't blame the tool, blame the user.
  • Frecklez wrote: »
    Here's a sad fact of life for ya, hon. Anything usable is abusable. If it's a quick and easy way to kick the hackers, it's a quick and easy way to kick legit players. It all depends on who's using it. Don't blame the tool, blame the user.

    It depends you could say the same thing about knives after you handed them out in a mental hospital too.

    And tbh most of these players seem mental, they join rooms and without 3 seconds are randomly kicking, kicking aces, kicking commandos it makes you wonder if they are right in the head.
  • Frecklez wrote: »
    Here's a sad fact of life for ya, hon. Anything usable is abusable. If it's a quick and easy way to kick the hackers, it's a quick and easy way to kick legit players. It all depends on who's using it. Don't blame the tool, blame the user.

    Well of course everything out there is usable is abusable. But does that mean that the vote system should be woolly and so easy for anyone to just kick for the fun of it.
  • Chimpzz wrote: »
    It depends you could say the same thing about knives after you handed them out in a mental hospital too.

    And tbh most of these players seem mental, they join rooms and without 3 seconds are randomly kicking, kicking aces, kicking commandos it makes you wonder if they are right in the head.
    I wondered that very same thing about you as well. If you're right in the head, I mean.

    Who else would compare the kick-vote system to handing out knives in a mental hospital, than a person that would belong in a mental hospital himself?
    10pFreddo wrote: »
    Well of course everything out there is usable is abusable. But does that mean that the vote system should be woolly and so easy for anyone to just kick for the fun of it.
    If you make it harder to kick players, then you're making it harder to kick hackers as well. Simple as that.
  • Take note Z8.

    You guys need to embed the report function in to CrossFire itself so that players can instantly report hackers.

    This is precisely why it shouldnt be implemented.

    IP bans are given.