Handshake Cup #4 (King of the 1v1) Schedule / Reporting thread

Bracket: http://challonge.com/HSCUP4

Round 1: Saturday 1/4 7 EST

Round 2: Saturday 1/4 8 EST

Round 3: Saturday 1/4 9 EST

Round 4: Sunday 1/5 7 EST

Semi-Finals: Sunday 1/5 8 EST

Finals: Sunday 1/5 9 EST

Please post a screen shot with the score of your final match, as well type Winner Score > Loser Score

You will be allowed a 10 min grace period for each match time. Meaning you have until 10 minutes after the default time to show or you will be disqualified.

Good luck and I look forward to seeing who will be the new King of the 1v1!
