Idea To stop The Hacks

While i was playing CF, not really playing every room was filled with hackers i was thinking how can Z8 put stop to this??? Not with updates obviously because they already tried that and the program updates the following day.

Here's how my idea works hopefully it will go into use and we wouldn't have to deal with no more hackers.

Making rooms:
When a player, "John" makes a room give "John" an option to allow players with "Y" ranks and above to join his room only.

Achievement To unlock this Option:
Allow players with "x" amount of experience and above use this option, so a newbie who just made a account can't make a room with restrictions.

[size=+2]The idea may not be completed, that is why Im sharing it with the community, write you're ideas how to improve this, and let me know if you like to see it in the game.[/size]
