*TeaBaggers* Recruitment Thread

Current Rank 2816
It's all in fun!

*TeaBaggers Summary*
We are looking for members who are loyal to this clan. Our expectations are not hard to meet. We are mainly looking for people who's goal is to have fun. If you're a good player, that's a bonus!!

Clan Requirements
* Must not be disrespectful to anyone!
* Must be sergeant or Higher.(no smiley faces!)
* Kill/Death ratio .75 or higher
* Must have a sense of humor and have fun!

Clan Rules
* No H@cker, Cheats or Glitching in any way!
* Be respectful to (ALL) players!
* Be a active player! At least 2 or 3 times a week!
* Have Fun!

Clan Application
* Age
* Location
* Rank
* Kill/Death Ratio
* How many hour you play per day/week
* If someone referred you, Who?
