Intrinsic Lookin to Pick YOU up.

Hi. My name is Thornz. and I'm making a pub clan wit my buddies.

Little background: All of us that are currently in have been gaming together for about 2 years. We have great chem and play lots of different games together, such as: LoL, Minecraft, CS:S and CS:GO, Starbound, and more indie games. We tend to dink around and not try, since CF is basically a walk in the park. We dislike losing though. So if you want a bunch of guys you can dink around from, and learn from about this and other games, then were the clan for You! :D

Basic Requirements:
1.0 KD
under 140 ping
No cheating (obviously)
Have ear phones or a headset.
Be able to call or understand basic calls (we can teach/make exceptions)

Things you have to be able to withstand:
My trolling
Trigs Trolling
My Trolling
Dannys Trolling
My Trolling

Goals of Intrinsic: Be a decently well known CF pubclan that facerolls clans. Already possible with the 6 of us but hey. Thats too easy. Might aswell let others in the fun :)

So go ahead and apply :D

Apply at:
