OCG Showdown Series Thoughts


We have noticed that people seem to be hesitant to sign up for OCG Showdown, and we would like to know the deciding factors. I know I talked to 5 or so teams who are interested in the current price, but our goal is 16 teams or more.

That being said what specifically is the deciding factor for you in signing up for the event?

1 - The cost of entry is too high

2 - You don't have time to play

3 - You don't like the format of the event

4 - You don't like the prize

5 - You want to see the Client go public before committing to the event

If there are any other reasons please feel free to add to what I have posted. I am just looking to see what we can do to get a good turnout, because If we could get 16-32 teams I would definitely look into a lower entrance fee for the event, I just want to bring the type of event the community is looking for so if you could post what you see as a the best cost to participate for your team to sign up, I will be looking into it and possibly changing the cost of entrance for the event.

If you would like to ask me any questions privately Xfire me @ zzxq

Thanks for your time and input and we look forward to hosting this event.
