SideEff3cts Looking for a clan.

Yup. thats right. So a lot of you i presume have seen me in-game clanless, after being kicked by my old clan leader he said he was sorry, and i have forgiven him. But now im looking for a new clan, as i want to get to know and play with more people.

So a few facts about me as a player:

Im a strict M4 user, and i have to say im pretty good with it. Im very active, (4-5+ hours per day.) I have a slowly growing 2.05 kdr. Im a decent sniper, and im working on becoming better. Im an average player(I like to think so.). Im more of a pubstar than a competitive player but i am pretty good at scrims.

Alright now on to the needed stuff.

I do not have a mic at this moment, but will be getting one for x-mas. I probably wont decide on a clan till after x-mas anyway.

My player profile:

What im looking for:

Rank honestly doesn't matter, although its nice to be top 800 at least. Good players, and i don't just mean kdr wise. I mean, mature, legit(Big thing.) good attitude. NO FARMERS. Ping is another issue, The majority of the people in your clan need to be under 150. I will make exeptions. Players also need to have a sense of humor and joke around. I seriously hate people who are serious all the time. Another thing, when i scrim(if i chose to) Don't be a hardass about everything, my play style is my own and a little different from everyone elses, im not a pro, nor do i ever want to be. average to good is fine for me.

If i know someone in the clan i'll lean more towards joining that on :P But i'll give all clans a fair and equal chance.

Leave a link to your clan, the names of the players in your main scrim teams, if you use Vent or TS if you're interested in having me.
