Why no Knife only mode?


  • Dakotu wrote: »
    But then I mean ONLY knives

    I support this
  • Dakotu wrote: »
    But then I mean ONLY knives

    Yeah. And let's also add the following:
    - Golden Katana perm only mode
    - Uzi only mode
    - M9 only mode
    - M700 only mode
    - M60 only mode

    Now seriously:
    There is absolutely NO point in discriminating against players for their weapon choice. If you want to use a knife, do so, no one will ever hinder you. But please don't try to force your self-imposed restrictions (be they voluntarily or not) upon others.
    If someone wants to play with a different melee than a knife, he or she should always be able to do so.

    best regards,
  • I tried playing knife mode in rookie server but everyone has axes and shovels from beginner missions lol
  • Urkel2005 wrote: »
    Yeah. And let's also add the following:
    - Golden Katana perm only mode
    - Uzi only mode
    - M9 only mode
    - M700 only mode
    - M60 only mode

    Now seriously:
    There is absolutely NO point in discriminating against players for their weapon choice. If you want to use a knife, do so, no one will ever hinder you. But please don't try to force your self-imposed restrictions (be they voluntarily or not) upon others.
    If someone wants to play with a different melee than a knife, he or she should always be able to do so.

    best regards,

    It's no discrimination. it's a suggestion for a more balanced and entertaining gameplay...
    an awm and a m700 has so few differences that it's not to compare to a knife and an axe. It's so different that they have added a sniper gun in the Fp mall, in other words a free sniper. :o
    How can it hurt to add a mode. I'm not saying that the current one should change.
  • i wouldnt mind it but i doubt theyre going to single out zp buyers.
  • I don't mind this at all. Every Knife room I go to there is someone with a Royal Dragon Axe or something rarer and chops my head off. However, when challenged to 1v1 knife only, (Real knife, not axe), most cannot do well with the knife. Am I categorizing people by saying all rare axe users are bad at the default knife? Not really. I'm just saying that rooms where you can only use the default knife would help increase the skill of said players, as there might come a time when they are forced to switch to the handy knife over their beloved axe.

    But quite honestly, these axes have become ridiculous. My Brass Knuckles rarely kill any more, and my knife doesn't register fast enough in comparison to the axe's slash, which is a one hit kill to the head. My only other option is the Kris, which I get kicked for when I attempt to use the Kris' long stab range to thrust the axe users through the chest.
  • I'd like to see that as well. No more kriss slashers :v ( Nothing against them but it is annoying sometimes )
  • BaDAhMeD7 wrote: »
    M700-MODE NEXT pl0x!
    Dakotu wrote: »
    It's no discrimination. it's a suggestion for a more balanced and entertaining gameplay...
    an awm and a m700 has so few differences that it's not to compare to a knife and an axe. It's so different that they have added a sniper gun in the Fp mall, in other words a free sniper. :o
    How can it hurt to add a mode. I'm not saying that the current one should change.

    let me quote that again for you. :o
  • Dakotu wrote: »
    It's no discrimination.
    As soon as you deny a person access to a room because of weapon choice (as in the many request to give the option of banning weapons like the M12s from game rooms) or as soon as you deny people the use of the weapons they have and want to use, it indeed is dscrimination. Your suggestion would basically discriminate against melee users who want to use a different weapon than the knife in every melee match of this game: they would NOT be able to acces every melee room anymore if the host could only allow standard knife players to join.
    it's a suggestion for a more balanced and entertaining gameplay...
    I take it that you want to express that many people out there who just have a knife as permanent melee weapon (be it because they can't or don't want to spend money on the game or because they have no luck at the Black Market) are at a disadvantage in melee matches and should therefore get their own mode. The only thing that it does is separate players from each other. By the way: no melee weapon is absolutely perfect, so one can always become real good at killing even with a knife if there just is enough practice. If you ask me, entertaining gameplay is created exactly with the current status of melee only matches, where there is a wide variety of different weapons. If you create a room just with knives it would be pretty boring from the entertainment side of view. Equal, yes, and that would make many people happy, but boring nonetheless.
    And please don't get that "it would hone the skills of players" argument. Why not? Because no one here has the right to try to force players to play in a way that this one person regards as "skillful". Everyone who wants to use his/her knife only and become a real knife pro player that can kill even Kris users easily IS ABSOLUTELY FREE TO DO SO. But once again, I repeat my plea: do never try to force other players to follow the same rules you either want to follow (in this case, only use a knife because you want) or maybe even must follow (in this case: use only knives because you have no other melee weapon). If players want to play melee only games but with another weapon than the standard knife, they have the indisputable right to get another melee weapon and use it whenever and wherever the want. Of course that costs money in most of the cases, but that's how the game works.
    an awm and a m700 has so few differences that it's not to compare to a knife and an axe.
    The AWM is a one-shot kill everwhere with perfect aim, while the M700 only performs one shot kills when aimed for the head and does not always hit where you put the crosshair. A huge difference if you ask me.
    The Axe and the Knife behave quite similiar if you ask me: Axe is stronger in terms of damage, but slower in terms of movement while the Knife is weaker when it comes to damage but faster when it comes to performing movements with it.
    It's so different that they have added a sniper gun in the Fp mall, in other words a free sniper. :o
    So you really think a free Blue Crystal instead of such an AWM would have caused everyone to spend their FP on it? The answer is obvious: No, because the AWM is better and more popular.

    By the way:
    I slightly feel that you took my modes such as the M700 only mode too serious.
    I sincereley hope you realized that the modes I suggested where meant sarcastically. I used your argument and exaggerated it by applying it to other weapons in order to make fun of it.
    How can it hurt to add a mode. I'm not saying that the current one should change.
    I never said it would hurt to add the mode you suggested. I just hold the view that this mode would be pretty pointless. To me, the situation looks like the following (I do not claim to absolutely right about this, the following merley reflects my perception of the statements made in this thread):
    - You experience that you can not perform well in melee matches with your standard knife because there are many oponnents with other permanent melees that they rightfully purchased in order to use them in melee matches and elsewhere.
    - Instead of trying to get better with the knife (and trust me, I have both a permanent Kukri and Axe yet I still see Knife users who can easily kill me) you suggest that everyone should get the same weapon as you have just so you can also get a chance to get (more) kills

    In other words: because people like you can't beat people with "better" equipment than you, people like you want to be able to force a mode upon everyone in your rooms that compels the people to use exactly the same things that you have. In order to disguise this cheesy attempt to improve your in-game situation, people like you often say it would create a room for more skillful playing. The fact is: while you may hope that your scores would improve with such a measure, you still have no goddamn right whatsoever to make other people follow that view.
    In addition to this, many people often say some weapon is skillful because they like it that way: playing with a Desert Eagle or AWM is regarded as skillful by most players, but not because these weapons are well-balanced, but because these two weapons are in fact overpowered (I mean, holding a perfect aim while firing extremely powerful ammunition and handling the immense recoil this should create as if it was nothing - come on!) and therefore popular.

    best regards,
  • to save every one from reading urkel's 1000 word essay, the tl;dr version is that he doesn't like the OP idea because he can't compete with skilled players without the large zp advantage. (the same reason why any one would not like this idea)

    best regards, peter north
  • should be a knife only and a melee only :rolleyes:
  • to save every one from reading urkel's 1000 word essay, the tl;dr version is that he doesn't like the OP idea because he can't compete with skilled players without the large zp advantage. (the same reason why any one would not like this idea)

    Or maybe he wrote that because he dislikes people who try to make everything equal because they don't have the fancy equipment that everyone is free to get which in turn frustrates them and causes them to moan for an option to force everyone to play at the conditions they regard as "skillful".

    Also, I guess it is needless to say that hastily-made assumptions about other players' skills just to discredit a person whose opinion one does not like doesn't really speak in favor of your intellectual ability to have a clean and fact-oriented discussion.

    It doesn't seem to ever have crossed your mind that I just don't like it if people try to limit the freedom of players to get and use whatever one wants to get and use just because said players have standard equipment while the others do have fancy cash equipment.

    best regards,
  • Urkel2005 wrote: »
    Or maybe he wrote that because he dislikes people who try to make everything equal because they don't have the fancy equipment that everyone is free to get which in turn frustrates them and causes them to moan for an option to force everyone to play at the conditions they regard as "skillful".

    best regards,

    well, you take the meaning of discrimination way too serious :o Do you even know how to use the word discrimination?! Discrimination is something horrible and how dare you to call my suggestion like that! :mad:
    And don't be so silly, getting a kris or an axe isn't that hard to come by, so if it would frustrate me then I would've used them.

    anyway Urkel, i challenge you to a melee battle against me! Today!
    Lets see what you got. :cool:
  • Dakotu wrote: »
    well, you take the meaning of discrimination way too serious :o Do you even know how to use the word discrimination?! Discrimination is something horrible and how dare you to call my suggestion like that! :mad:
    And don't be so silly, getting a kris or an axe isn't that hard to come by, so if it would frustrate me then I would've used them.

    anyway Urkel, i challenge you to a melee battle against me! Today!
    Lets see what you got. :cool:

    Simply put, discrimination takes place as soon as someone treats people unequally because they differ in any kind from other people. If there was an option that would exclude users of other melees than knives from rooms, it would be exactly that.
    And please don't try to play that moral card. Discrimination of intolerable kind has taken place in many locations, the US and South Africa being prime examples of that. But even though discrimination stands for things like segregation in the US or the Apartheid, the term still may very well be used for less serious things such as this.

    I have not been online lately and will most likely not be playing again before the mid or end of January.

    best regards,
  • Urkel2005 wrote: »

    I have not been online lately and will most likely not be playing again before the mid or end of January.

    best regards,

    you're just scared to fight me. :o

  • Wait, isn't the person saying that we ADD another knife mode, not remove the current one and replace it with the suggestion? If so, why is everyone getting so heated about it? Can't there be both rooms in co-existence where players can choose to go to either one?
  • Dakotu wrote: »
    you're just scared to fight me. :o


    Yeah, that must be it. Hastily-made assumptions without any solid ground to support them just MUST be true...
    Or maybe I also got a life outside of CF?
    You know, some players here are actually of legal age, they go work or study and earn money, obtain degrees and such.

    You may PM me again in January, when I will have more time than I have now.

    You should, however, not expect me to relinquish my right to use whatever weapon I want in a match.
    Durro wrote: »
    Wait, isn't the person saying that we ADD another knife mode, not remove the current one and replace it with the suggestion? If so, why is everyone getting so heated about it? Can't there be both rooms in co-existence where players can choose to go to either one?

    Yes, he just talks about adding another mode that only enables Knives as weapons. Basically, there is no problem with that suggestion. I personally just don't see any point in such a mode, the reasons for which I have displayed thoroughly in my previous posts.

    best regards,
  • Urkel2005 wrote: »
    Simply put, discrimination takes place as soon as someone treats people unequally because they differ in any kind from other people. If there was an option that would exclude users of other melees than knives from rooms, it would be exactly that.

    best regards,

    Yes, but Mr. Urkel, here's where I'm coming from. If there are two types of Knife rooms, one in which players can use any melee and another where only knives are allowed, then how is that discrimination against the other melee users if they (Axe, Kukri, Katana, etc) can just move down the list a bit and find the regular melee only rooms? The players are given a choice as to which type of room they wish to play in. Want to play with all melees in the room? Go to the regular melee room. Want to play with only knives in the room? Go to the knife only room. As for a reason why to add it, there are a few. For example, a knife user may really love the knife weapon for many reasons (It looks sexy, he loves knives, etc), but he just can't get good at using the knife in melee rooms where Axes and Kukris swing once to kill. The Knife also has the one hit kill ability, but it is much harder to use in a heated battle against a wide range weapon, like the axe or kris, per say. Thus, he gives up on the knife and heads over to the forums and rants a little about the sheer amount of axe users and how it's unfair. He then gets shut down by the various forum members of the CFNA community, those who spend hundreds and earn many weapons protecting their axe and retaliating. Then the other half of the community comes on to defend the user, saying that it is indeed an issue and how the knife should either be buffed, axe be nerfed, and so on and so forth.

    However, if this hypothetical player (Reading just the first sentence of paragraphs? Gotta read that entire thing up there to understand this) was given the choice of a knife only room where the default knife is the only allowed weapon, he could see that either he only needed some practice with the knife or he is an utter disgrace to the knife community and should switch over to the axe, which would, in turn, earn some money for z8games+Smile Gate if the player decides to spin crates or rent the axe (Which is a possible outcome, considering that humans tend to be born with that kind of nature).

    I feel as though I missed a few points in this. I'll reread it and see...
  • Nothing will ever be added to this game to make it more competitive and even.