
Welcome to BloodLust, one of the newest clans of Crossfire. In this clan, rank doesn't matter, it's all about skill. We represent a very high quality of gamers with various skills such as; Aiming, Sniping, Rushing, Luck :P , Tactical, and more... Like other clans, our main is is to become one of the most powerfull, skilled, humble, well-known, respected, and active clans of all time. To do this, we need very few and rare players that have the best skills known to man. Let the Nubcakes fall, and the Pros rise. This, is BloodLust!

- KDR: 1.0+
- Rank: We would like Sergeant in the least.
- Have a main wep. We don't want someone with just an m16 or m700.
- Know all of the S&D maps well.

Clan link: http://clan.z8games.com/clanstat_cf.aspx?guildid=51734
