New clan! [T]alented*

Talent (in the sense of natural ability or giftedness) is not the same as skill, which is a learned process, and one which is enhanced or inhibited by an underlying talent.

First of all to join u need to have
1.Atleast a 1.2 KDR.
3.Know the SND Maps
4.Below 1.2 KDR's we will have to Try you out.
5.Staff seargent or above
6.Under Staff we will have to try you out.

1.Listen to LT's and Leader
2.Be Respectful
3.No Drama
4.No QQing
5.No RQing in Clan wars
6.Dont Scrim if u have to go soon
7.Dont go AFK in the middle of a scrim.
8.Dont play Loud music of vent in a scrim
9.No Flaming
10.No Saying things bout other members ages

Join up! We're looking for Serious Pros!
