Youtube content Id
ok since i saw some people complain about it i wanna ask you guys a question.
I have 2 videos about "third party" content.
So i want to know if i should remove them or not.
Assassin's creed funny bugs
Old not updated CF account video
So tell me what you guys thinking should i remove them or not?
I have 2 videos about "third party" content.
So i want to know if i should remove them or not.
Assassin's creed funny bugs
Old not updated CF account video
So tell me what you guys thinking should i remove them or not?
[MOD]Nonnen wrote: »im pretty sure you just have to acknowledge the content ID thing, so you are not able to monetize it which you dont do anyway.
Yes i know that Nonnen. But i'll probably start doing on my youtube some good walktroughs when i come back.
But from this pictures it says that i have to remove them or change sound:
I wouldn't care for the old CF account youtube video. But other one i would lost whole thing. -
Just click 'Acknowledge'. This will keep the video for anyone to watch but you will not earn money from it and instead the money earned will go to the supposed 'rightful owners' who are claiming. So, if you do not have the rights for monetisation then I would 'acknowledge' but then set to 'Track In All Countries' when Editing the video; this will stop all forms of monetisation.
If you have permission to use the music being claimed, then you can dispute it with the proof of rights to use/ monetise. Many MANY companies don't even make these claims and it's in fact Youtubes system that is auto claiming the content. So your best bet is to either contact the company who’s video game you're recording or search through the company’s website for some sort of Video Policy.
Example of a Video Policy: -
I believe you are also allowed to use up to 30 seconds of copyright content without needing permission. But I forgot which specific case atm that decided that.
But yea mostly you'd want to check out these claims Altair, it's possible they are false claims made by parties unrelated to the actual people in control of the copyright. (Ie a music publishing company with legit rights to Linkin Park music vs some YouTube account with that same name, similar to impersonating). And some claimants just don't have any legit claim except to rob someone of their revenue stream based on views and ads or whatever.
Idk. I'm not an uploading youtuber. Take my statement with a grain of salt. -
Do NOT try to repeal them. At least, not right now.
From what I'm seeing you are using music on your videos, that is mainly what the content ID system is picking up on everyone's videos currently. If you try to repeal them you will get denied and you will get a copyright strike on your account. Three of those and your account is deleted.
Numerous developers have come out to say that they did not want this and did not ask YouTube to do it (because some cut scenes are also getting content ID'd.) They are trying to contact YouTube to get things sorted out, but currently this is affecting large YouTubers who have been named as "affiliates" by their networks and they are having the same issues.
If the song is in the game, that's one thing, but some people are finding that their appeals are getting denied even if it's in the game. If you have the explicit permission (such as music that gives) then you can appeal with that. Otherwise, do not add music unless it's from somewhere like Incompetech or another royalty-free music site that gives you the proper license to use it on YouTube.
You do not need to remove them, just acknowledge them for now. You will not make money either way, but your video will at least still be up and it will not hurt you if you acknowledge it. The big thing for any future videos you put up is to not have any music in it that you don't have rights to.
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