Match making system

How about Z8 adds a match-making system that joins players of similar rank randomly, like in Halo 2. The match-making system is a optional thing and players can just find rooms the regular way but that way doesn't have any effect on the match-making systems ranks. The default match-making game should be 4 vs 4. These rooms are closed off to everyone else, and leaving/disconnecting from the room counts as a loss for those players.

It allow for players to stick together by joining the same lobby room, or players to join random teams by starting a lobby room by themselves. If two players are together in the lobby room when they start, match making will look for two separate players close to their average level or another two players that are also together to to join them. Then the match-making system will look for another team that is closest to their total team level to face off against. A team of level 2, 4, 5, and 4 would be level 15 in total and match-making will look for another team that is closest to total level 15 it can find to face them.

Rooms should add the teams total rank on each side at the start of the game (stays that way even if players leave/disconnect) and base how much exp each team member gets off that for a win or loss. The winning team gets EXP based on the total level of the other team, if it the same level (80%-120% of their level) they get the base EXP. If it higher (120%+) they get bonus EXP (an extra 10% EXP for every 1% the losing team has higher then 120% of them). If the losing team is lower (less then 80% of their rank), they get no EXP. Like wise, losing to the same level team (80%-120% of their level) would make them lose EXP at the base rate. If the team was lower (less then 80% of their rank) they lose more EXP ( 10% for every 1% the winning was less then 80% their total level).

It allows players to have an actual gauge to see how skilled they are compared to other players and it can't be farmed like the current rank system. Not replacing it, just adding a new one with it. It also is automated so no need to organize it like a tournament, it also not dependent on Clans but rather individual players so clanless or small inactive clan players can use it.
