BitDefender 2014 Loading Error Fix


Currently there is an issue where you cannot get into a match with BitDefender 2014. After a bit of testing, you have to shut off part of the BitDefender system.

The Fix:

1) Open BitDefender to the main page.


2) Find the 'ANTIVIRUS' icon. Go to the top right of the icon, and press the 'settings' icon.


3) Find 'On-access scanning' and 'Active Virus Control' under the 'Shield' tab.
4) To the right of each box you'll see an 'On/off' button.
5) Set to off for both 'On-access scanning' and 'AVC'.



Once done playing, go back to the page said above, and turn them back on! The issue is reported to GM's and hopefully the developers will be able to find a fix.

If you have any further questions about it, post below.

