[LOOKING] Looking for a Microphone Clan.

I have just returned to CrossFire, and made myself a new account. Do not let my rank trick you into thinking I am some sort of noob from the 3rd aged world!

Of course not, and Id' rather like to keep my information classifyed, as I am sick of alot of people not shutting up, and of course rather more!

Still, on with the post.

I am looking for a clan that uses Microphone Communication, such as Ventrilo, xFire, ect. Aslong as it's free, you can count me in - depending if I want to join or not.

Id' prefer a small, but manageable clan with active members that take it seriously in game, and can have fun out.

Requirements I am looking for;

[•] - Microphone Communication at all times.
[•] - Mature Enviornment, but a lot of joking when we arn't playing.
[•] - Can handle ractial comments, slurs.
[•] - Swearing, ect. at a minimum, but allowed.

and of course,

Post your clan below, and PM me the Server information or user name of the program.
Please mention which program you use for your Clans communication.

Cheers, and hope to see a reply.
