Don't wreck the coupon exchange any more

. Coupon weapons were all at what I would call zp bm standards every single one in the hundred coupon prizes especially but now they have changed and when we were told about the change I was excited in the hope of new coupon weapons at the quality and standards of the level they were at the time.this all changed when they released the new weapons .i was extremely annoyed because they had taken the m4 gold wich was at zp bm quality and the ak gold wich was the same high quality and given us gp black market reskins.there I said it and it needed to be said that the swap for the new coupon weapons was a bs swap and I feel the reason behind it is that z8 is greedy and want money and don't give a crap about there players especially the ones who don't pay also with the adition of VoP(not a spelling error) people could get gp Easyer and so they slowly wanted to start taking the quality of coupon prizes down.over all z8 are much more greedy then the old owner of crossfire suba games who were the one who made the original coupon exchange wich even had a perm axe for 50 coupons but z8 took all of suba games deigned coupon exchange away because it was to good and they were greedy.this is probably whats going to happen to the current coupon exchange it will only get worse.soon the gold awm will go and the m4 custom ect.What I am suggesting is that z8 stops messing with it without actually trying to improve or substitute things that r At a equal level .
