Hardcore Game Mode for Search & Destroy

i know this is just a thought and i doubt it would actually happen but i was wondering this would be a good idea.

you know you have shotgun mode for TDM and head-shot mode and so on and so fourth. i was wondering that there should be a new Game Mode for Search & Destroy called "Hardcore" mode and what this does is that it removes the Rounds counter so you don't know what round you are on and who is winning. The mini-map is removed from the top left corner, and the HP/AC and bullet counts to see how many bullets u have left and removed so all you are left with is the Time at the top, A site and B site on your screen and the bomb if it is dropped. Also you wont be able to see your team-mates gamer tag above their heads and you won't be able to see how many people are left alive. This to me sounds like a great idea, it will boost people's game sense and gaming ability. You are left alone with your senses increased, this to me sounds like an amazing idea and hopefully this mode would possibly be in Crossfire.

Thanks For Your Time Reading This :) IGN: Moe
