*still* looking for good, scrim clan.

Servers: STRICTLY Bravo/all servers, once i hit staff sergent i'll go to delta every so often.

xfire: yes

Vent/Teamspeak: Yes, and Headset

KDR: 1.517 is updated KDR, it rises by 0.006-0.010 every 2-3 days, so expect 1.6-1.7 by early january if i'm still looking for a clan.

Activeness: On every wednesday and weekends. but thanks to xmas i've been more active.

Age: 16

Time/s EST time zone USA

Rank: PFC (dont whine, it's not about rank, it's skill you guys should be looking at)
Whine: bs. i dont qq, i dont complain i dont do anything, i if itihnk they hack i'll save the replay, report and throw in a "good game"

Since 2005: battlefield 2,
Delta Force Black Hawk Down, was on #1 ranked clan for 1 year (quit due to clan inactiveness)
CS:S and 1.6, 2 yrs and running
Combat Arms, 3 months but quit due to hackers
Played beta blackshot
Other Experience: i'm more of a rifler, but when i snipe no scoping and quick scoping is where i play. learning drag/flick shots.

Looking for: well ranked, repsected, well known clan. i'm not one to be picky, but i dont want to join a clan who doesnt know what they're talking about. if i dont find a clan by 3 days i'll stop looking and go solo for a few months raising my kdr by may to 2.100 dont whine about my rank. doing this fro ma school computer so i cant go on xfire. and we all know how much they love zfire and gaming at school!!!


  • Leader :H.U.N.T.3.R & LTS
    website wick3d-clan.com
    LINK :http://clan.z8games.com/clanstat_cf.aspx?guildid=18244

    Well heres a bit about our clan, My name is Dave i work and i play Cf when i can im pretty active, and i started this clan for mature people.Meaning no whiners/hackers/glitchers e.t.c.
    Our clan is very social we use ventrilo/mic ...scrim alot...got some good wins over some top clan.We consist of teens 13+, some bigger individuals like myself and LTs and good members
    who are ages 18+ 20+ 30+ 40+ ...married couples. so yea we got it all we definitely don't hack and we just love playing Cf...having fun together.

    We play all modes im a Gm lover and TD i love arena where i get 3-4+ kdr near 100 kills
    im the best there and GM ... at s&d my clan and 1 are pretty good at strategy to win .

    Now we are recruiting members and we have loads of spots like 50 so apply now if you think you're ok we accept 1+ kdr and up.

    well any questions Pm me and your always welcome in our vent.

    PS all clan members i consider family.

    In order to see clan private forum do the steps listed on the page bellow: www.wick3d-clan.com/wick3d.htm
  • u sound good why dont you join my new skilled clan. search TTXGaming*