Clan Suggestion

Being the leader of a (near) dead clan, I pondered on how to revive my clan before the original leader comes back and pummels me. Then, I had an idea....

Clan Practice!

I know most of you already do this with your friends and what not; gather a few clan mates, enter a room, and practice your skills. However, I thought to make it a real room type. For example, your clan is dropping rapidly in rank, due to your skill or inactive members. By making a clan practice room and gathering your clan mates, you can practice your skills, and be awarded some clan points, as making this give many clan points would be....

(•_•) ( •_•)>⌐■-■ (⌐■_■) POINTLESS.

Erhem, anyway. These clan practice rooms can be any of the original clan room game types (SnD, TD, EM, etc). To prevent any clan from clan point farming, there could be a limit of clan practices your clan can have. To prevent higher clans from farming above others, diamond A or higher could be limited to 2 clan practices a day, where as a Bronze ranked clan could practice 10 times a day. Another thing to add is that only the leader or a Lieteniant can initiate a clan practice, making it that only "trusted" players can start and use one of their limited clan practices.

I need feedback on this, and thanks for reading!


  • As you stated clans already do this already...go in a locked rooms, practice, strategize, collaborate, have fun, and earn up to the daily allotted 10 clan points.

    So the only benefit I can see in a Practice Room is shut off the EXP and Clan pts gains. A clan can then practice and explore and it won't count against KDR or Win/Loss stats. Sort of like the Shooting Range. ;)
  • Obviously this suggestion is not thought through very well. Try again.
  • ' wrote:
    SKoRM;3785003']Obviously this suggestion is not thought through very well. Try again.

    If you insist.

    I propose that Smile Gate allows a new type of room to be made. This type of room would be named "Clan Practice". In these rooms, players can play with their clanmates and learn new skills from each other, such as headshotting, bursting, sniping, etc. Also, the clan earns +1 point for every full "Clan Practice" game they play, helping lower ranked classes boost in rank slowly.

    Q. Won't people forget about clan wars and just play in clan practice, slowly raising their clan rank?

    A. A system will be implemented, where the number of "Clan Practice" rooms can be created. An example would be that Bronze ranked clans can make 10 practice rooms, where as Elite clans can only make 2.

    Q. Can't the clan members just create practice rooms left and right, wasting their clan's number of rooms per day?

    A. Only Clan leaders of Lieutenants would be able to create a practice room. This allows the Clan leader full knowledge of how many practice rooms are being created, as LTs and their leaders tend to contact one another often in game.

    These rooms will be like those found in the Clan Server, with standard 3v3 SnD matches to colossal 8v8 EM matches. From there, the leader or LT can begin to educate his subordinates in CF skills. These skills can be passed down to friends of these clan mates, being passed on further and further, enlightening many in the tricks of CF.

    Q. What if a clan member does not behave/refuses to communicate with the Leader/other members?

    A. An idea would be to give the Leader/LT the ability to kick who he pleases. However, this is still in thought, as the Leader/LT may abuse this power.

    Anything else?