
Why did you delete my posts about logic selling his account on <?> ? Are you being a good little <?> and doing you job? Cleaning up this forum? For what, zp in return? You're a <?> fizzeq.

Only thing z8's <?> investigating team will say is that an investigation will go underway but unfortunately they won't being able to share the information with me because of their tos or privacy policy.

He's not going to get banned for selling his account and scamming a friend. So why delete my posts? Why not let everyone know that <?> The proof was in your face before you deleted my <?>

[Moderator Note] : This user has been infracted for insulting a community member aswell as creating a thread directed towards him.


  • He deleted your post, because you were accusing him, which unfortunately isn't allowed on this forum. Deleting the post doesn't mean that the GMs don't see it, if we, the moderators, think that it's worth passing on, we will do so.

    Please refrain from insulting other community members, in this case moderators. An infraction is deserved here, considering you didn't even post this on your main.
This discussion has been closed.