Change Kick table idea?

P.S My English is not that good so don't judge :P

Hi guys,

just a quick idea I had for the kick option in Crossfire. We all know that in a full room you need 10 "F11" Votes to kick someone. Many of the "Rookies" do not know how to kick or somehow can't find F11/F12 on their key bored so they just ignore the kick option, other players that are not dead yet do not have a chance to press F11/F12 because they are in combat.

My Idea is, if the player does not presses "F11" or "F12" the vote wont count for the kick. (It would be a no vote)

Right now in the game we know that if you don't press anything you automatically are picked as F12... So if we get rid of the automatic "F12" in the game many more hackers would get kicked out of the game easier without Rookies interrupting with no votes.. What this means is, Only the players that pressed F11 or F12 will be counted as in the kick option.

For example: 8 players pressed F11 and only 3 players pressed F12 out of the the whole room. The 5 players that did not press F11/F12 will be uncounted for and there for the player that is on the kick option gets kicked. (Original score would of been 8 F11 and 8 F12 in current system and therefor no kick.)

Thanks for reading, interested to hear your thoughts/ideas :)
