The truth about the ZP guns

Have the AK47-Scope, M4-Custom, and Kriss Super V. (AWM-Adv Candy is just an AWM with +5 ammo)


Good points
-Has an awesome skin, great for showing off
-A scope for quick headshots
-+5 Ammo. Not that amazing, but pretty helpful
-AK47 rocks already

Bad points
-People will steal it (:P as with any other ZP gun)
-Has a wierd spray pattern

-Is a totally different gun than the M4; I'm glad
-Also with the AK Scope, it looks amazing
-Scoped headshots; very useful
-Has a better spray pattern, and less recoil

Bad points
-No + ammo. Kinda dissapointing
-Again, people will steal it
-Very long. Enemies can see easily.

Kriss will continue
