Two things every clan should have!!!

Two things that ive noticed that makes the clan experience much better is a website and voice chat whether it be ventrilo,mumble,teamspeak or any other... The fact that you can be more socialble amoungest clan mates is the best thing Ive found when Im in a clan with both of these I enjoy crossfire a million time's better.

In the clans and guild's Ive been in over several years and the ones Ive owned Ive always searched for the cheapest most affordable way to have both. Then I came across enjin and they offer both for an amazing price. Which all in all player's like my self you love to spend plenty of money to be the top dog or have everything just for bragging rights you sped a hell of alot less and more on the beloved zp!!!

Heres a link to enjin:

And heres some other links to sources Ive used:
