Indeed, props to him, :P I've been playing between 1pm and 6am and had a lot of fun playing in Rex's game and listening the stream in the background (lol). I'm also happy the goal was met, thanks to all the generous ppl out there, ^_^
I would definitely participate again anytime, however I hope next time xtrap won't be such a pain toward whatever program was being detected so Rex could enjoy more time in-game than restarting it, lolll. -
[MOD]Simrock wrote: »Indeed, props to him, :P I've been playing between 1pm and 6am and had a lot of fun playing in Rex's game and listening the stream in the background (lol). I'm also happy the goal was met, thanks to all the generous ppl out there, ^_^
I would definitely participate again anytime, however I hope next time xtrap won't be such a pain toward whatever program was being detected so Rex could enjoy more time in-game than restarting it, lolll.
I played from 11 pm (thats when the stream started ) - 2am
then slept till 10 and from 10 am- 10:30 pm i was there :P -
Yeah, I totally agree. He did an amazing job, not everybody takes the effort and energy to make a 25 hour stream for helping children. We got over 1.000$, which is a reallly big amount.
It was totally worth it and it was really fun streaming, besides, I think that it really strenghtered the community. I think it's safe to say that we all really appreciate it, thanks once again.
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