Weaponry Advice
I would like to know how much money you get for the rank up to Staff Sergeant.
I'm the type of person who always goes for head shots, so as long as the power on the gun isn't terrible (being able to kill someone in one burst when shot in head) I'm normally willing to sacrifice power for over all accuracy (recoil + accuracy + spray pattern)
I'm well aware of the headache that can be caused if I pick the wrong weapon in a game with this weapon system. SO, I was thinking of going with AUG when I rank high enough and depending on my first question I might have enough GP for Scar L by the time I hit Staff Sergeant. But I've only been playing this game for about 2 hours (on and off) and I'm not sure whats good or not.
I would like to know how much money you get for the rank up to Staff Sergeant.
I'm the type of person who always goes for head shots, so as long as the power on the gun isn't terrible (being able to kill someone in one burst when shot in head) I'm normally willing to sacrifice power for over all accuracy (recoil + accuracy + spray pattern)
I'm well aware of the headache that can be caused if I pick the wrong weapon in a game with this weapon system. SO, I was thinking of going with AUG when I rank high enough and depending on my first question I might have enough GP for Scar L by the time I hit Staff Sergeant. But I've only been playing this game for about 2 hours (on and off) and I'm not sure whats good or not.

Well the Type is a nice gun. My friend has it he says its a headshot magnet. The spray pattern goes up. So if you aiming at the chest 96% you will hit their head. And if you dont hit their head then you basicly killed them. Because its a fast gun and 3 shots there dead. (Tested it with a friend) Nice gun you should get it. But im a ScarL user and i get some headshots now and then. Or may i suggest the K2 when i picked it up killed a whole team with it. Most of them with headshots and im a rusher.
Hope this helped.
i recommend 3 guns
Scarl since its so easy to use, aim for head, pop!
xm8 rivals scarl, its also a headshot machine
and then ak47, since the recoil actually helps with headshots, it kicks up from the chest to the head
whenever i use any AK, gold, silver, camo, 47, 74, etc, and i spray, i have to aim like 2 inches below because of recoil, but that could just be me and my crazy spray -
M4 and K2 are great guns.
Personally I do not recommend the Scar Light. It's hated, and well...I actually suck with it.
Never seen many players using the AUG as an all-around rifle.
AK's good, and never really tried the Type.
yea type is a bit of a hs magnet but i think its a k2 knockoff -
EchizenRyoma wrote: »Get the AUG. Since you are a 'hs' type of person, it should work well with you. Its 1 shot hs, like the AK, but you can zoom in, to get a better shot. Now, if you had an AK-Scope, then go for that
And you get 30k GP
That's the downside of the aug (apart from the slow reload): it is not always a 1 shot HS... That doesn't take away that it is a nice gun though. I'd recommend the K2 for HS -
I recomend the uzi! Its great fast reload very little weight and fast firing rate. After you buy an uzi, you will have enough money for an m9. Dont listen to anyone else. THEY LIE LOL. M9 is best pistol ingame. I rushed with it and got a 12 kill streak all hs at egypt! Its ftw gun. I give uzi/m9 combo a 10 stars.
Jk lol. I use aksilv, kriss, m4 cus, and tompson and awm camo. Those are my main guns. I like teh xm8 or m4a1 personally, but if ur going for aug, try doing gp crates in the black market. Its aug camo. Its too ftw, even thouh i dnt hve it. But if u want to see my page, click this link http://clan.z8games.com/charstat_cf.aspx?usn=5817465
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