possibly lfc.

Terio isn't on enough for me to prove that I'm easily good enough to be s5, so I'm more than likely gonna be clanless, of my own choice of course.

I'm looking for a Terio like clan, a clan that clan wars but has a solid, a good team, that competes in tournaments. Most of you know who I am, know about my awp shot, and know what I can do on client, despite how much some people hate me because of my immature past. If you don't, well get to know me. I'm much different on the mic, than who I am on forums.

-all voip
-knows all calls/maps
-been playing cf for around 5 years, since cb.

Be committed. I will only be on at certain times which must be scheduled. Like I said I'd much rather be in a clan that ALSO clan wars, but if I can't find anything here, I'll be heading back to ego-8.



