Call to Arms

A message to Z8 and our Community:

I, myself, am getting feed up with the hacking situation in CF. I've started to now see players with pings in the 60s hacking too now. Most of the problem is coming from...120+ pingers. I wont add labels like: Turk, Brazilian, Arab or what not. But in general people with pings above 120.

I would like to see Z8 suck in its pride, tuck their Balls in and knuckle up that things need to change and fast.

Things that need major addressing in my eyes:

1. Ping Limit Implementation: Ping Limits on Created Rooms by Host.

2. Permanent Bans: No more 3 chance rule. Its failed so far and will continue to fail each and every time. If a player wants to come back legit...let them come back on a new account fresh and ready to go.

3. Server Time Limit: I watched a video of a hacker getting Butter Bars inside of 3 hours game time. Had Free Armor up the Wazzu and more then enough Free Guns and GP to boot. Lets limit the first server to 30 days, 2nd Server to 60 days and 3rd vet server for players of a Year or more. This will improve total game play over the whole spectrum. Hackers can hack all they want...they will only effect other hackers and those just coming in. I hope that you can at least Ban a hacker before 30 days is up...or if not implementing #1 in this list...should be more then enough for 3 bans to perm before they can get to the 60 day server.

4. Reward System: You want to keep getting reports...well we don't want to waste our time...give us something in return...I'm sure you would get more people reporting if you gave them 500gp for each hacker reported that gets banned. Whats gp to you? It's nothing but a simple thanks for your on going support of the community reward.

5. HS Tracking: Its total BS to get in a match and watch HS after HS come up from a hacker. If a player gets more then 50% HS in a match it should be an auto report and the player flagged. I've seen legit players hit 60% HS rates in a match...but more then that...odds are its a hack.

6. Distance over time: Implement something that will boot a player for traveling farther than you can in a time limit. If your character can only travel 20ft/second...then make 21 ft/ second the boot limit. This to prevent speed hackers. If player is found to do 21ft/sec more...its an auto report as well.

7. Time off Ground: Implement something that will boot a player for traveling in the air for any more time then a standard double jump will give you. Auto report as well.

8. 6KD ratio: Auto report for any match where a player puts up a 6KD or better match. I'm sorry...a great day is one thing...but odds are if your doing 6kd each match over and over...your a hacker.

9. Host kick: Host can auto kick anyone in the room. This is an option that can be enabled at creation of the room.

So what have you community...some changes need to be made soon. I'm starting to see USA/Canadian know that ones this game was targeting in the first place... start to leave now. Its getting rare to see a person with a 90 ping or lower most hours of the day.

I say Z8 needs to just put up a poll on this and let us vote for some changes. To better the game and community.



  • 1. Ping limitations are not the answer, I myself have 120 ping and I would feel that it is unfair that I don't get to enjoy my time on CF just because of my ping.

    2. I do say it should be slightly more harsh, a two step policy; one 14 day ban and then a permanent ban.

    3. A hacker can simply wait the time or make several accounts and have multiply hacking-sprees.

    4. It's just an incentive to spam them with reports in hope to reap rewards.

    5. Not really, sometimes (rarely) I'm able to get pure 100% headshots.

    6. Someone could simply be lagging and it may only SEEM he's speeding.

    7. Same with 6, he could be floating due to lag.

    8. Yeah even though a lot of good players can do that easily.

    9. Yeah... No.

    Sometimes even though it seems like it would help the community if they implement something it may and probably would cause us to regret it.

    For instance kicking in FFA/MM (and it's variants) everyone voting for it during the polls yet now people are making thread after thread about kick abuse.
  • Moved to the suggestions section. :O

    And on a side note, keep it on topic and in a civil manner please.
  • 1. Ping limitations are not the answer, I myself have 120 ping and I would feel that it is unfair that I don't get to enjoy my time on CF just because of my ping.

    2. I do say it should be slightly more harsh, a two step policy; one 14 day ban and then a permanent ban.

    3. A hacker can simply wait the time or make several accounts and have multiply hacking-sprees.

    4. It's just an incentive to spam them with reports in hope to reap rewards.

    5. Not really, sometimes (rarely) I'm able to get pure 100% headshots.

    6. Someone could simply be lagging and it may only SEEM he's speeding.

    7. Same with 6, he could be floating due to lag.

    8. Yeah even though a lot of good players can do that easily.

    9. Yeah... No.

    Sometimes even though it seems like it would help the community if they implement something it may and probably would cause us to regret it.

    For instance kicking in FFA/MM (and it's variants) everyone voting for it during the polls yet now people are making thread after thread about kick abuse.

    1. I never said limit every person 120 or higher. This is a limit on each room a person creates. Its that persons opinion on whom he is willing to play with. This wouldn't prevent anyone person or group from playing CF...just prevent them from playing in that room.

    3. A system then would need to be implemented to keep a timer on players active. If you go away for say a day or penalty, but if you don't log in for a few days your timer stops. Thus you can't just wait out the period.

    4. I'm sure if a person is spamming reports that person should be temp banned. But as a suggestion...maybe adding in a limit of 5 payouts a week. Thats still 2500gp!

    5. Ah...but on a regular basis?!?

    6. Still distance over time is still distance over time, if your lagging the distance you travel is still the distance you travel and in that set time. Just because I see someone teleport doesn't mean they are a speed hacker...thats a no brainer.

    7. A person doesn't just simply float across a map...due to lag. On my screen you might appear to hover for a second...but thats it...if on your screen you jump and stay in the air for more then a sec...somethings wrong with your code or game! You can't see yourself float...but others can.
  • I, myself, and the forums are getting sick of your dumb threads and stupid and unrealistic suggestions..

    Go away
  • 3. What a bout new players that don't hack? They would be surrounded by players that will and be almost impossible (without farming) to level up. Then you except these guys to report the hackers?

    4. As a Mod said before, simply getting a hacker removed from the game is a reward in itself. 1 step closer to a cleaner game. I know gp isn't that much of a big deal in cf, but people will start abusing this by hacking with an alt then reporting with a main acc. Sounds stupid but there are stupid people out there.

    5. So stupid. Its not that hard to aim for the head. What if you join a game really late and get 2 head shot kills? Auto report?

    8. Same with 5. Joining a prison game or TDM and getting a 6 kill streak just as the game ends means getting an auto report?

    9. This will be abused more then the current kick system. The host will just kick whoever he doesn't like or if someone kills him two times in a row.
  • this won't happen.

    and I usually all my shots are headshot's. Does it mean I will get auto-reported everyday? lol.
  • 1: Not bad idea, but then you would just see more ping changers running around.

    2: Somewhat disagree, as some programs put up a flag that shouldn't causing a ban.

    3: Good idea at first, but would kill new players. They would be stuck with the racks for all that time. Or the racks get smart make new acc, leave em to bake for 30 days and then can troll in the next server.

    4: eh let's get a stable report page first :P . Or a report system in game!

    5: Yeah no. Try hards and farmers would have their replays flooding the poor gms.

    6: Mhmm, they do client error a lot as is in some maps. Other maps seemly go on forever.

    7: Bhoppers, someone standing on someone else's head and laggers would also flood the reports.

    8: In my two fav game modes this is quite obtainable every game all night.

    9: Would get abused hard!
  • Giggletron wrote: »
    I, myself, and the forums are getting sick of your dumb threads and stupid and unrealistic suggestions..

    Go away

    Now thats not very nice. Same could be said bout many of your posts. Be nice
  • That 6.0 kdr thing is a joke, I'd hope.

    My alt is a silver bar, and it has 5.4 kdr legit. Lol. Not very hard when you don't go against hackers.
  • 1: It's been suggested before, many times. And I'm fairly certain that Z8 Games already stated they have no plans to implement a latency limit.

    2: Bans through the report system for hacking are always permanent, however the auto-ban goes in stages. 1 day, 3 days, 7 days, 30 days, permanent.

    3: So you want to separate that community even further? It's already horribly divided based on location, race, etc etc.

    4: While it would provide more incentive to report, it would also provide more incentive to spam the reporting system. You'd have 3-6 times the work from people sending in replays of legitimate players.

    5: Another auto-reporting thing to flood the system... Legit players get that HS count all the time, several of my clan mates do it on a regular basis. Having the report system flooded with reports of them would be pointless. Any auto-report feature is just a waste of time and resources.

    6: It's been suggested before, but in a different way. A player is holding X weapon, which has Y weight. Holding this a player could not move faster than Z. If a player moves faster than Z while holding said weapon for more than 2 seconds, it's an auto-kick. Not report, but kick.

    7: What about when a player falls? It'd require some working but it is possible to detect fly hacks with some sort of air-time detection. Once again, no auto report. It's just a bad idea.

    8: I get a 6+KD in GM several times daily, there's nothing wrong with it. While hackers will usually pull it off, a lot of legit players can do it as well. It's honestly not that hard if you know how to aim/PP/BHOP. It'd once again just clog up the report system.

    9: So a noob creates a room, kicks anyone and everyone who does better than him. Legit players can no longer finish a game, period. It's hard enough for a decent player to finish a game as is.

    A lot of these ideas are accompanied by 'auto-reporting', which as I stated is a terrible idea.
  • A message to Z8 and our Community:
    8. 6KD ratio: Auto report for any match where a player puts up a 6KD or better match. I'm sorry...a great day is one thing...but odds are if your doing 6kd each match over and over...your a hacker.
    I get at least 6.0 everyday. Does that mean I wall?
    I am sick and tired of wallers in CF, but this ain't the solution.
  • Good suggestions really.

    It's the reasoning behind some of these negative responses why nothing gets done.

    The only things I think are bad about this suggestion are that their is a headshot only mode so that headshot percentage couldn't possibly count there.

    Auto report for 6k is noobish but who cares if you are legit then you won't get banned anyway. Only problem is it will be reports mostly from farming rooms lol