Carve your Pumpkin for CrossFire and win ZP and a Tiger M4A1!


Attention all Halloween Pumpkin Carvers!

Carve your Pumpkin for Halloween this October with a CrossFire theme and you could win some ZP and an M4A1 Tiger Permanent!

For the full details and contest rules check the page here:

Top Prize is 50,000 ZP and an M4A1 Golden Tiger Permanent!

New Submission Process!

We have now decided to help users who may have had uploading issues by allowing Imgur image links for your Pumpkin Photographs.

Please note that in order to stop plagiarism we are asking that you take the picture with your In Game Name somewhere placed on a piece of paper in front of the pumpkin, or on the pumpkin, or carved into the pumpkin!

If we suspect an image has been copied or plagiarized we will disqualify the winner.

Also please note that if we discover the image has been copied or plagiarized after the contest is over we will revoke the winning entry and give it to someone else.

  • You must include your in game name within the picture of the pumpkin on a piece of paper, or carved into the pumpkin etc. This is to stop others from copying your photo!
  • Each player may submit only 1 image which must be a *.jpg file under 1mb in size.
  • Your pumpkin must be carved with some sort of theme of CrossFire, whether it’s the logo, a weapon, a character etc. It must be recognizable as being from CrossFire.
  • Entries will be accepted from October 11th to October 31st 2013.
  • G4Box staff will judge the entries and announce a winner on November 6th, 2013.
  • All photo’s submitted become property of G4Box and may be modified without notice and used for promotional purposes.
  • Accounts that are currently banned (temporary or permanent) for hacking during the event period will not be eligible to receive the prize.
  • Plagiarized content will not be accepted.
  • You are allowed to “alter” your photo however if we cannot distinguish a pumpkin carving of CF then you may not win. Alters and photoshopping will be accounted for in our judging.
Note that you can only submit one entry per account but you can change the entry over time. If you upload a new file it will over write your oldest one.

We're also providing an .AI and .JPG file of the CrossFire logo so you can print it out and use it as a template if you need for your pumpkin!

Creativity encouraged, we'll post the winners and highlights at the end of the event!


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