Looking for a good clan!

I'm looking for medium-to-small sized clan (like 30 members or below). Here are some things I'd look for:

- Nice members
- Good win percentage
- Active clan
- Not too big of a clan
- Have a voice chat system (Mumble preferably)
- Speak English :P

Now for what I'll offer you:

- 2 members (Me and my friend, a 3rd friend may come as well)
- KD over 1.5
- Experienced players
- Mic
- Willing to download any voice chat program needed
- Ping 27 Alpha, 97 UK. (I only cw in UK)
- Active (On mostly everyday for a long time)

Looking forward to future posts! Thanks!

Oh, by the way. Our IGN's:
peak | 1st LT (That's me)
Squeek | 2nd LT(Third friend that may or may not join.)
