MV CoilMaster Mark1 Coil Gun

So, lurking around I found this:




Some info about it:

  • Fully semi-automatic, up to 14 shots.
  • Capable of delivering over 18J kinetic energy, and speeds up to 110km/h! (42 gram projectiles).
  • It’s a single stage gun, using a 8800uF(4×2200) capacitor bank with max 400v (704J).
  • Max shot efficiency is 2.8% but reaches almost 4% at lower voltages.
  • Charge time for 300v (12J kinetic energy 396J capacitor bank) is 8 seconds for the mains connection,
  • and when using the internal batteries about 90 seconds. It also has a Digital voltage display.
  • Coil overheat after 14 shots at 300v.
  • Total weight: 5 kilograms.
  • Total spend: ~~ 100 Euro
  • Construction time: ~~40 Hrs
