Sanction is looking for members!

I want to actually get a clan up so I can CW and have fun.

Things I'd like, but aren't completely 'required':
1. Decent ping
2. Speak English clearly
3. Be chill, no constant complaining
4. Have either Skype, Raidcall, or whatever you use just tell me. Find what the majority of the people in the clan use.
5. I really don't want any starting players in the clan, I want people that are somewhat to my level(I do okay, I average a 2 ratio a day, but I'm not too great)

I'm pretty chill, so talking to me is pretty easy.


  • Jadeykinz wrote: »
    I want to actually get a clan up so I can CW and have fun.

    Things I'd like, but aren't completely 'required':
    1. Decent ping
    2. Speak English clearly
    3. Be chill, no constant complaining
    4. Have either Skype, Raidcall, or whatever you use just tell me. Find what the majority of the people in the clan use.
    5. I really don't want any starting players in the clan, I want people that are somewhat to my level(I do okay, I average a 2 ratio a day, but I'm not too great)

    I'm pretty chill, so talking to me is pretty easy.

    Join Scarhead Bro.

    Currently rank 195

    We are slightly competitive. ALWAYS look to have fun. And always looking for members like you. We are constantly expanding and we have a good solid group of members that are active.

    Your always welcome here.