Still Searching...

Still looking for the magic player that can make things happen.

Quick run down of what we want...
- Listens
- Growler does not effect game play
- Can play with their ping
- Understands basic game play
- Follows orders
- Willing to give input
- Wants to win
- Ventrilo and mic
- Knows how to use ventrilo correctly
- Can hold their position and stop rushes
- Does not get picked by doing silly peaks every time
- Game play not greatly effected by smokes
- Can throw grenades
- Can enter sites with multiple players aka dont block
- Can get kills without having to bait
- Willing to practice
- Creative

More or less pretty easy stuff, we understand if you mess up a few times in a scrim. But we do expect players to be able to understand why what they did was wrong and be able to fix it.

xfire 1icyph3r

Talk to me there if you are interested in joining for leagues and tournaments.